OH MY GOD!!!! I just realized you loved Corpse Party? Have you finished the game(s)?
on December 12, 2015

I LOVE WOLVES!! They are the best animal ever!<3
on December 11, 2015

Hey, guys! How are ya? Grammar is overrated... Wait, no it's not... B) Anyway, I'm in Spanish, and I am soooo confused.:D
on December 11, 2015

ProjectBlueJay added a photo to the starred list
Well, not MY kid of course.. http://www.pleated-jeans.com/2014/01/29/22-things-every-parent-has-done

on December 11, 2015

Good morning! Fun fact: ahm getten a cryssymas three! (Translation: I'm getting a Christmas tree!)<3
on December 10, 2015

#superbored #atschoolandwanttogohome #handballisfun #sceince,poprocks,and,explosionsarefun! <3
on December 09, 2015

Good morning! I got a good sleep last night, and I got to update my iPad! Yay!<3
on December 09, 2015

on December 09, 2015
Even saw an LP for Blood Drive and Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday 2U, IN JAPANESE!