PrincessBallet - Page 2

Fun, sweet and friendly
Fun, sweet and friendly
You are Val and 15! Your brother is Dallas Winston. Your best friend is Zoe Randle. You are girly and your boyfriend is... Steve Randle. You originally lived in New York City and had a lot of family problems. soon as you got united with the gang you fit like a glove. Yes you can be a bit airheaded at times but that doesn't mean anything to Steve he loves you just the same.
Steve: I love Val she is so sweet and nice
Sodapop: she's not really my type...too much of and air head
Dally: Val my little sis
Johnny: I wish Val was mine sometimes
Ponyboy: So annoying...sorry you talk a lot
Two-bit: sweet girl but very talkative
Darry: I haven't really met Val but her brother is Dally...So I'm not to sure.
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Rosalie Lovegood
Rosalie Lovegood
Name: Rosalie Lovegood
Family: Luna's older sister
Age: Fred and George's year
Birthstone: Emerald (May)
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pure blood
Personality: Hilarious, a bit of a prankster
Boyfriend/crush: Fred's girlfriend
Hobbies/Interests: Shopping, hanging with friends, pranking people
You and Fred get married and have two kids, boys who are twins, Max and Ryan.
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you? Werewolf
change every full moon . homo homini lupus meaning a man is a wolf to another man
on October 25, 2014
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Shy relationship
Shy relationship
You are having a class and you notice something in your bag...It's a note saying that you are beautifull, someone likes you a lot and asking to meet you at the library...Who could it be? Continues...
on October 25, 2014
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beauty fairy
Beauty Fairy
You can always be found in front of your makeup drawer or looking for the perfect date. Pinks and purples are your best.
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Valorie Jackson
Valorie Jackson!
Valorie Jackson!
"No dad. I'm not leaving you." You say, "I'm sorry daughter then." Your dad says as he points his wand at you, "Crucio." You scream in pain as you fall to the ground, Many guards rush out trying to get your dad to stop, he pushes them all away. "Imperio." Your dad says, still pointing his wand at you, you try resisting but his voice fills your head, 'Go and beat yourself up.' the voice says, you start resisting, he, full of Rage and anger throws down his wand and storms over to you. When the full possession is over you run out of the crowd, screaming for help. Luckily a young couple finds you, "Help! My dad wants to kill me!" you shout, the woman steps forward quickly. "Come into our shop, it'll be safe for now." She says, you start thinking about your options, while remembering your dad is still running after you. (TBC in Part 11)
on October 25, 2014
About Author
my magical mother is in Gryffindor yay
You are kind, intelligent and you have many great qualities!
on October 25, 2014
About Author
My dad is not magical but I'm 100% magic
You are pure 100% magic! Here is your apprentice wand, hat, and a few ingredients you may need when the Magic Handbook comes out!
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Gryffindor yes
You have a courageous and daring personality. You are undoubtedly loyal and have tendency to always to the right thing. But be careful, Gryffindors have nerve and usually don't think before they speak. Your hobbies are mostly sports and adventurous activities
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Jane Potter
Jane Potter
Name: Jane Potter
Age: 13
Birthday: 1st December 2001
Birthstone: Blue Zircon (December)
Year in Hogwarts: 3rd year
What house is she in : Huffle-puff
Mum and Dad: Ginny an Harry
Best friend: Nicole Longbottom
Hobbies: Irish Dancing
Tomboy/ Girly-Girl: Girly-Girl
Crush: Scott Longbottom

Lets hear what everyone has to say about her:

Dumbledore: Bright girl but have to keep an eye on her.
Snape: One of my best students in potions!
Ginny: I love her so much <3
Harry: She takes a lot off of her dad.
Fred: Love to play the PlayStation with her. She is amazing at it!
George: Same as what Fred said.
Nicole (BFF): Couldn't live without her.
Ron: Great niece. ?!$*~#. I don't know what I am doing?
Hermione: Love her too bits! <3


Jane will marry Scott Longbottom and will be a successful teacher at Hogwarts doing Spell Master. Also she will have FOUR kids two them twins one boy and one girl called Peyton and Piper. Also she will have another two boys called Jordan and Alex.
on October 25, 2014
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?lol
Gonndolaunganshae (Last name unknown)
You would be born in the year 1789 and live a life of a caveman in the nearby pub. You die at the young age of 99, alone besides your many cats and pet lizzard. Your ghost comes back and hauntes Lindsey Lohan, cuasing her to lose her spot as chilhood role model while gaining her a spot in jail.
on October 25, 2014
About Author
i wanted Ron but I still get a weasly
on October 25, 2014
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shauns result deal with it Sltherin
Slytherin students are known for their sly intelligence. They are tricky and arrogant but also have great talents. They hardly ever lose.
on October 25, 2014
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baby I'm a gryfindor
Brave courageous outgoing
on October 25, 2014
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hufflepuffs I want gryfindor
Kind and hard wirking. Just like a true hufflepuff wizard.
on October 25, 2014
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I'm Carly and this quiz is awesome
A nice sweet caring person always there for her friends and is the star of I Carly but even though she is a nice person she can be sneaky sometimes
on October 25, 2014
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Girl in the mirror
Man In The Mirror
Man In The Mirror
This song is about love, equality and making yourself a better person. Exactly you!
on October 25, 2014
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