What child of Harry Potter characters are you? (GIRLS ONLY!) Do you want to find out what child you would be if you were in Harry Potter ! wetpuppy published on October 11, 2014 Stacked 1/6 What colour is your favourite? Pinks and whites Blues and greens Reds and yellows Multicolours 2/6 What house would you be in? Huffle-Puff Gryfinndor None Slytherin 3/6 What describes you most? Giggly Tomboy Girly Pretty 4/6 What is your favourite name out of the following? Peyton and Piper Luna Josh and Jordan Daniel and Devan 5/6 Are you a girly-girl or a tomboy? Tomboy Girly-girl In the middle Neither I am actually normal 6/6 Who do you want your parents to be? Ron and Hermione Draco Malfoy Ginny and Harry Neville and Luna