Since the username, "@Glutin_The_Yo-Kai" got the most votes, that's my username tomorrow.

Glutin @Princesscrystalkat
on March 22, 2016

on March 22, 2016
on March 22, 2016

Who can draw really well?

@Kukiku_x_Shadow, @Princesscrystalkat, could one of you draw my profile picture as a unicorn? XD
on March 22, 2016
on March 22, 2016

on March 22, 2016

on March 21, 2016

What does provocative mean?

Copied straight from google search: causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
My own definition is a tad bit different though.: To me, the word means anything that would incite a negative response from anyone.
Cuss words could be Provocative, but, they're fine to be around, even on this post.
I believe what I meant by the See More word last night though (Since I made this page at around midnight) is that I don't want anything too inappropriate, such as *Sighs* never-mind, I don't think this community will go that far, so I'll leave it as is. I suppose don't worry about the meaning too much for now, if something pops up that is too provocative, I may ask it to be taken down, but I doubt that will happen. Thanks for reading this far though. Thank you for asking for the definition as well.
My own definition is a tad bit different though.: To me, the word means anything that would incite a negative response from anyone.
Cuss words could be Provocative, but, they're fine to be around, even on this post.
I believe what I meant by the See More word last night though (Since I made this page at around midnight) is that I don't want anything too inappropriate, such as *Sighs* never-mind, I don't think this community will go that far, so I'll leave it as is. I suppose don't worry about the meaning too much for now, if something pops up that is too provocative, I may ask it to be taken down, but I doubt that will happen. Thanks for reading this far though. Thank you for asking for the definition as well.
on March 20, 2016
on March 20, 2016

. See More
. See More
on March 20, 2016

He? I had a boyfriend, he became gay very quick.

on March 20, 2016
on March 20, 2016