PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)

After waking up with a jolt, the girl laid in bed a few seconds longer. Reaching over to switch on her bedside lamp, she tried to remember exactly what had stolen her sweet slumber away. When she couldn’t, the brunette swung her legs over the side of the bed and heaved herself up. Checking the time on her phone, she snorted when she saw it was midnight- the witching hour. Knowing that sleep would only evade her, she left her bedroom for the kitchen, a good cup of coffee on her mind.
As she pa... Read Full Chapter
As she pa... Read Full Chapter
on March 25, 2016

PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)

Pokémon Dead Channel
I was introduced to the video game realm a tad later than most other people. For most, if not all, of my early childhood I was isolated from other kids, and I had next to no social interactions. My days were spent in a prison like school and my nights rotted away with mind-numbing TV. Life was dull and boring, and all I had were my stuffed animals and cheap, plastic toys to talk to. That's when I got a Gamecube.
It was the Christmas of 2003, I believe. I was overjoyed at having my own video ... Read Full Chapter
It was the Christmas of 2003, I believe. I was overjoyed at having my own video ... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2016

PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)
It's not my fault
When my wife and I got married, we decided that we were not going to own a television. Yes, we were one of those couples. Early twenties and ready to make the kinds of lifestyle choices that went against the norms of society. We weren’t obnoxious about the fact, but we did take a measure of pride in the fact that we weren’t wasting our time in front of a screen like so many of our friends. However, after three years of watching movies huddled around our tiny laptop and trying to find that imp...
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on March 24, 2016

PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)

Mr. Widemouth
During my childhood my family was like a drop of water in a vast river, never remaining in one location for long. We settled in Rhode Island when I was eight, and there we remained until I went to college in Colorado Springs. Most of my memories are rooted in Rhode Island, but there are fragments in the attic of my brain which belong to the various homes we had lived in when I was much younger.
Most of these memories are unclear and pointless– chasing after another boy in the back yard of a h... Read Full Chapter
Most of these memories are unclear and pointless– chasing after another boy in the back yard of a h... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2016

PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)

Smile Dog
I first met in person with Mary E. in the summer of 2007. I had arranged with her husband of fifteen years, Terence, to see her for an interview. Mary had initially agreed, since I was not a newsman but rather an amateur writer gathering information for a few early college assignments and, if all went according to plan, some pieces of fiction. We scheduled the interview for a particular weekend when I was in Chicago on unrelated business, but at the last moment Mary changed her mind and lock...
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on March 24, 2016

PixelThorns added a new chapter to CreepyPastas (1)

Eyeless Jack
Hello, my name is Mitch. I’m here to tell you guys about an experience I had. I don’t know if it was paranormal or whatever stupid words people use to describe supernatural phenomena, but after that thing visited me, I believe in that paranormal trash, now.
A week after I moved in with my brother, Edwin, after my house was foreclosed, I finished unpacking. Edwin liked the idea of me moving in, since we had not seen each other after 10 years, so I was excited, too. I soon fell asleep after I m... Read Full Chapter
A week after I moved in with my brother, Edwin, after my house was foreclosed, I finished unpacking. Edwin liked the idea of me moving in, since we had not seen each other after 10 years, so I was excited, too. I soon fell asleep after I m... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2016

on March 24, 2016

Me: *Getting home from school* *goes to restroom*
Period: Glad to see you again!
Period: Since your 5th Period Class.
Me: -_- I hate you.
Period: I don't like my job either, but that's how a girl ge-
Me: Go away! See More
Period: You still have a whole week left missy.
Me: *moans*
It's moments like this where you want to know why God gave this to Females.
Period: Glad to see you again!
Period: Since your 5th Period Class.
Me: -_- I hate you.
Period: I don't like my job either, but that's how a girl ge-
Me: Go away! See More
Period: You still have a whole week left missy.
Me: *moans*
It's moments like this where you want to know why God gave this to Females.
on March 23, 2016