on January 31, 2015

Pixel.Pikachu03 subscribed to page

join if u ever faked being sick to stay home from school
on January 09, 2015

I one said to my mom that my stomach hurt and my head hurt then she is like ok go back to sleep then later I felt bad for not going to school but I dunno why I did
on January 09, 2015

Pixel.Pikachu03 added a poll to the starred list
Equestria Girls or Rainbow Rocks?
on January 07, 2015

on January 06, 2015

I'm blushing again XD

on February 01, 2015
on January 05, 2015

on January 05, 2015

Spongebob poking
I was poked or however you call it by luna_starchaser337. So now I have to answer a few questions. Enjoy!
on January 04, 2015

SpongeBob Poking!
Like the tag game, We have 10 questions. And you have to poke 10 people. Now.. Lets look at the questions shall we?
on January 04, 2015

on January 03, 2015