Which animal are you (3) A fun quiz that lets you see which animal you are most like! Caution This quiz May Be Super fun! olafjohnson published on December 27, 2014 Stacked 1/10 would your friend say you are cute? yes no not sure 2/10 are you fast or active? yes kinda no! 3/10 are you nice and friendly? yes sometimes no 4/10 do you like swimming and water? heck yeah no way kinda 5/10 are you smart? yeah no I dumb kinda for some things not sure 6/10 are you tall or short? tall short average not sure 7/10 do you like the outdoors? no yes kinda it depends 8/10 cabin or house cabin house 9/10 winter or summer fall or spring winter summer spring fall 10/10 do you like cats no yes kinda sometimes