Hey, are you still here CatoHungerGames?

on December 02, 2012
on November 07, 2012


Romney is mean for hating the middle class. Oh BTW Middle Class= You can afford a house and food and once in a while a big purchase like a car or iPod or some other electronic
on November 07, 2012
on November 07, 2012

Comment: Obama or Romney

Leigho7, Obama wants to take away AK-47s, YOU DONT NEED ONE TO PROTECT YOURSELF! A siimple handgun would do.
on November 07, 2012

Obama. Romney is just a plain lier and leigh id they stop selling guns they will stop selling bullets and gunpower so yeah Obama is going a good thing
on November 07, 2012
on November 06, 2012

on November 06, 2012


pineapples and soy sauce - never tried it but it's supposed to be a good combo :/ sounds gross though
on November 06, 2012
on November 05, 2012

Happy Birthday!

I GOT A 16GB I POD TOUCH FOR MY BDAY! Apparently I was supposed to get an 8gb but my parents accidentally bought a 16gb ipod touch BUT THEY LET ME HAVE IT ANYWAY. YOU ROCK MOM AND DAD!
on November 04, 2012
on November 03, 2012

46 READS! 14 READERS! Wow, thanks for reading my story, the first chapter of my new book will come out Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 which is my BIRTHDAY!

on November 04, 2012
on November 03, 2012

Chapter 5 and 6 are now out. I am glad that my first story was a huge success.
on November 01, 2012

PeetaMellark76 added a new chapter to Friday the 13th: The Beginning
Chapter 6
"It's over. It's all over." I said as I pulled the machete out of Jason. "So...everyone else is dead? Are we the only survivors?" Cato and Clove kept asking. "I think so." Tornado said. I told them that I would look around for survivors. "Guys, we are the only ones left." I told them. "So, what do we do now?" Tornado asked. "Call the police. I just can't believe that 100 kids went here and only 4 lived." I said. Cato went and called. "The line is dead." he stated. We all eventually fell aslee...
Read Full Chapter
on November 01, 2012

PeetaMellark76 added a new chapter to Friday the 13th: The Beginning
Chapter 5
"Guys, the shooting range, we can get the guns and use those." I said. "But I don't aim well." Clove said. I told her that she better aim well if she wanted to live. I led the group to the shooting range. We all grabbed a gun when I saw a machete under a table. "Guys, I'll take that machete." I states. Everyone agreed, since I was the one who was the least afraid Jason. Clove, Cato, and Tornado had their guns ready. I had a gun but I was holding the machete. If anyone died fighting Jason, I w...
Read Full Chapter
on November 01, 2012


cus otherwise the teacher would get really angry so I had to push joseph ut of the way and apologise it was SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!
on November 01, 2012

YAY! I just had this epic party at mine and we were all trying to get balloons and they were like 'okay, whoever catches this balloon gets to pop it!' Joseph caught it and he said 'ha!' and then i popped it with a pin and said 'hah!' then we watched twilight and made a movie to send to the music teacher MR. PHEESHE and it involves playing the bongo drums really See More badly and singing really badly and then joseph stuck up his middle finger and izzy had to stop recording
on November 01, 2012
on November 01, 2012

I probably won't ask as many questions or make as much quizzes now that we can write stories.

Yeah, same. even though I spent hours and hours on this incredible stroy three chapters long and each chapter was at least two pages it got ddeletd :o
on November 01, 2012
on October 31, 2012

PeetaMellark76 added a new chapter to Friday the 13th: The Beginning
Chapter 4
I went towards the scream and found that it was coming from potter's cabin. I opened the door the find potter's lifeless body. "TORNADO!!! CATO!!! CLOVE!!!! HELP" I screamed as loud as I could. Cato came running from the lake. "Whats wrong?" he asked. "p-p-p-potter is dead" I stuttered. "Yeah right let me check." Cato moved me aside and looked in the cabin. He let out a lous scream and started running. We both ran to find Tornado and Clove in the mess hall. "Guys, potter is dead. Something i...
Read Full Chapter
on October 31, 2012

I AM BACK :) BAD NEWS: Hurricane made Trick or Treating cancelled for 2012 :*(
on October 31, 2012

Guys this is a serious matter, Hurricane Sandy made people declare a state of emergency for Connecticut. They are also evacuating NY. I live in Connecticut so I probably won't be able to get on qfeast for a while.

...I'm feeling seriously sorry for you. Hopefully (I know Conneticut isn't big but) it isn't in your area... I'm sorry, good luck! :..(
on October 29, 2012
on October 29, 2012

PeetaMellark76 added a new chapter to Friday the 13th: The Beginning
Chapter 3
When it was morning, I woke up and took a shower. When I got out, Tornado was standing there. "P-P-Peeta? I saw a figure outside my window with a hockey mask on wearing tattered clothes. Was that what you saw?" he asked. "Tornado, we have to go to the counselor." I said. We went to the counselor. The counselor thought that they were playing a joke and told us to hurry up and get to the mess hall, breakfast was starting soon. Tornado and I sat next to each other and talked about who would be d...
Read Full Chapter
on October 29, 2012

How Do You Add New Chapters To A Story After You've Published It? I've Got One Ready And Published It A Few Times But Can't Find An Edit Button.

Go to stories then go to create a story then you can click a story and woola, you can add chapters
on October 28, 2012
on October 28, 2012

on October 27, 2012