Obsidian_Scars's Starred Polls
Obsidian_Scars has 25 starred polls

Who would win in a fight? (11)
Which of these should i chose to do. i need to outline their struggles and how their fa...

How do you say your letter z?
Holden, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Merc

Which of the following video games is your favorite? (1)

What is your favorite weapon: knife, katana or battle axe?

Do you like tea?

What's the funniest photo?

Are you going to hell or Heaven?

What's your favorite punk genre?
In movie Superman vs. Batman who do you go for?

Which one Batman or Superman?
Would You Rather...? (8)

What do you think you were in your past life?

Which is the best Medieval weapon?

If you have one of these, which on is worse? Writers Block or Artists Block?

What are Ligers?
What would u rather do.. Never speak or never move your arms again?