Qfeast's fattest Dog alive
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Wolfie: *Reading*
on February 12, 2015
on February 12, 2015

Omg XD

Wolfie: *Sips pink lemonade*

Toy bon: what ever! No animals a loud!
Me: get me 3.slices of pizza ans a cup cake than please :3
Me: get me 3.slices of pizza ans a cup cake than please :3
on February 01, 2015

Me: here it is!
Toy bon: *peeks outside* mangle! You know.the rules! No pets aloud!
Me: 3:
Toy bon: remember last.time.you let a dog in? It ate all the pizza!!!
Toy bon: *peeks outside* mangle! You know.the rules! No pets aloud!
Me: 3:
Toy bon: remember last.time.you let a dog in? It ate all the pizza!!!
on February 01, 2015

Me: *giggles* you cshould come down to.freddy fazbears pizza than! Seriously.. chics makes THE BEST pizza. ever.
on February 01, 2015

Wolfie: N0 w0lves? Lame. Wolves are gonna be the best thing that happened to that place.
on February 01, 2015

on February 01, 2015

on February 01, 2015
on February 01, 2015
on February 01, 2015