Noescaping's Polls - Page 3
Noescaping published 59 polls

Who has more money? Batman or Ironman?

Which should be Alexis' theme song?

Who looks better?
Which profile pic looks better?
Who would win in a fight? A squirrel or a bunny?
Am I the only one who named their Sonic oc after my real name?

Which song best fits Shadexis?

Who should I choose?
Silver or Sonic?
Which Sonic couple do you like best?
Which is better? (20)
Do you like the muppets?

Who is the most popular Sugar rush character?
Is popularity important?

Sonic, Shadow, or Knuckles
Avatar the Last Airbender or Danny Phantom

Ever after high or Monster high
Which is better. To be honest I can't even figure out. Nickelodeon or Disney