Pretty sure I have a cold, litty.

Don’t wanna
on May 07, 2019

rest bby
on May 07, 2019

on May 07, 2019
on May 07, 2019

I have a pop tart :-)
Healthy breakfast amiright
Healthy breakfast amiright

on May 07, 2019
on May 07, 2019

I love how I’m involved in this whore house thing though the idea of sex oogies me out.
Not sex in general
Sex with someone
I know what it’s like— I’m not the kind of guy to claim I have never touched ‘it’.
Not the kinda guy to say I’ve never been touched through clothing
But just See More
Another person
No clothes on
I love how I’m involved in this whore house thing though the idea of sex oogies me out.
Not sex in general
Sex with someone
I know what it’s like— I’m not the kind of guy to claim I have never touched ‘it’.
Not the kinda guy to say I’ve never been touched through clothing
But just See More
Another person
No clothes on
on May 07, 2019

My throat really hurts and I can’t tell if it’s from earlier or if I’m getting sick rip
My throat really hurts and I can’t tell if it’s from earlier or if I’m getting sick rip
on May 07, 2019

Doing better though
My mouth tastes gross
My chest hurts
I’m super tired and I feel like I’m bout to faint
But I’m not shaking anymore and my stomach isn’t dying so
My mouth tastes gross
My chest hurts
I’m super tired and I feel like I’m bout to faint
But I’m not shaking anymore and my stomach isn’t dying so
on May 07, 2019

thisqhas been happjg for an hour and imand ginnawtjrow uo again
on May 07, 2019

moms gonaqput put me on medicatin
on May 07, 2019

god imshe such a mess I’m sorry
on May 07, 2019

what proof do you wnat thatis ugh e anxiety, why so you need prood? want me to call you in the home rughtqnow? want me to send you a picture of the vomit in the toilet when im some? want me to stuck my hand through the screen so you can see it shaking? probanly not, msg
on May 07, 2019

iI cantfreaking do this iis cabt breathe
on May 07, 2019

itswnot that east

on May 07, 2019
on May 07, 2019

my name is niaqand I fake anxiety. i force my hands to shake like fhis to mess up my tupibbg. i purposely take short and staggefsx breathe. i jamqby fingers down my throat to make myself sick. i hold my breath untili pass put. fakungqanxiety is so hard sometimes, wow

on May 07, 2019

fuckking block that account. ignore them. they WANT to hurt you. you dont deserve this, no one fuckking does.
on May 07, 2019
on May 07, 2019