(Would anybody like to rp Salad Fingers? XD if so I would like to be Salad Fingers :3)
on January 22, 2017

Name: Meadowpaw(soon to be Meadowheart)
Age: 5 moons
Looks: pic
Rank: Apprentice(soon to be warrior)
Personality: Nice, brave, competitive
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate/crush: Sharppaw(white with grey splotches tom) See More
Like: her sister(Ghostpetal), winning fights
Dislikes: losing in fights, being bossed around too much
Mentor(if mentor): Jaggedheart(grey shecat)
Age: 5 moons
Looks: pic
Rank: Apprentice(soon to be warrior)
Personality: Nice, brave, competitive
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate/crush: Sharppaw(white with grey splotches tom) See More
Like: her sister(Ghostpetal), winning fights
Dislikes: losing in fights, being bossed around too much
Mentor(if mentor): Jaggedheart(grey shecat)
on January 22, 2017

Dear Gabe
We miss you dearly, I never got the chance to see you in person, I hope when I die I can see you in heaven. The only thing I can do now is pray, cry, and look at the sky thinking of you. Why can't dogs have 9 lives like (some)cats? You were my everything... I never thought the day that you would go would come.. I just would like to say, I love you, I wish you hadn't die, oh god I'm crying again
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ILLNvNehvjQ&itct=CAwQpDAYASITCKbWi9yi1NECFYqivgod0FUF5zIHcmVsYXRlZEjI4fj75qX_96AB See More
We miss you dearly, I never got the chance to see you in person, I hope when I die I can see you in heaven. The only thing I can do now is pray, cry, and look at the sky thinking of you. Why can't dogs have 9 lives like (some)cats? You were my everything... I never thought the day that you would go would come.. I just would like to say, I love you, I wish you hadn't die, oh god I'm crying again
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ILLNvNehvjQ&itct=CAwQpDAYASITCKbWi9yi1NECFYqivgod0FUF5zIHcmVsYXRlZEjI4fj75qX_96AB See More
Rest in peace, Gabe the dog. (Tribute)
R.I.P Gabe, he was the best doggo. [2000 - 2017] ~Credits~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbE9152iMkA - Gabe dances to Christmas music [deathstrips] https:/...
on January 22, 2017

on January 21, 2017

I can't stop crying D: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oO_9Lm9-MMg&itct=CA0QpDAYBCITCObjlJGJ1NECFQEYvgodw_0DFzIHcmVsYXRlZEigv_K1-vL_wZAB

[*] DEATHTRIPS AKA GABE THE DOG:https://www.youtube.com/user/deathtrips VIDEOS I USED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt6O1GzAeK0 https://www.youtube.com/wa...
on January 21, 2017