I like Tattletail and I would like to rp it

on February 03, 2017

*stays even quieter*
on February 02, 2017

*stops dead and stays quiet*
on February 02, 2017

on February 02, 2017

*stabs Mama and keeps running with my child* NEVERRRR
on February 02, 2017
on February 01, 2017

Narwhalzy asked a question
Can someone rp something with me? Please I'm super bored
on January 31, 2017

on January 30, 2017

Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me? Just to pour that motherfücker down the drain like me? ~Help me finish,song is Gasoline from Halsey~

@AvengersPuddinAndTwinsie sorry I've been nervous cuz my spelling bee is coming up, thank you!
on January 30, 2017
on January 30, 2017

*Stares into your soul smiling*
You could sell your soul, I did and look at me, I'm fine... ☠〰☠
*nibbles on face*
You could sell your soul, I did and look at me, I'm fine... ☠〰☠
*nibbles on face*
on January 28, 2017

Omg I just had the weirdest conversation with my friend ever he texted me this
"Hey I'm banging with your sister"
Me: "WHAT?!?!"
"Oh sorry autocorrect I'm hanging with your sister"
Me: "O thank god"
"Hey I'm banging with your sister"
Me: "WHAT?!?!"
"Oh sorry autocorrect I'm hanging with your sister"
Me: "O thank god"
on January 28, 2017