MrewHaHa's Starred Questions
MrewHaHa has 9 starred questions

If two people on opposite sides of the world put a piece of bread on the ground- would ...
How long have you been in Qfeast? I have been on here since November 10th, 2020 (on my ...
If you could go to an anime world which one would it be and why? If you go to any anime...
What is ur Zodiac sign? (1) I'm just wondering bc I was watching Zodiac signs (I'm a Ca...

POV question in desc POV: You wake up at your funeral, to anyone who's attended staring...

What song do i remind you of? Idea stolen from da joshie props to him
whos the biggest hoe of qfeast
what state do you live in? or country if youre not in the us