MrewHaHa uploaded a photo
on March 17, 2023
on March 17, 2023
on March 17, 2023
Normal people: *have a resting bitch face*
Me: *has a resting depressed face and everyone thinks I’m sad all the time*
Me: *has a resting depressed face and everyone thinks I’m sad all the time*
on March 16, 2023
Fr tho some days I do actually feel like shit and it’s obvious from my face but some days I am actually happy my face just doesn’t show it
on March 16, 2023
on March 16, 2023
on March 16, 2023
MrewHaHa added a photo to the starred list
on March 15, 2023
stay safe pls everyone, ily/p
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023
today people flex their vapes
20 years later i'm gonna be flexing my lungs
20 years later i'm gonna be flexing my lungs
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023
on March 15, 2023