Mr.Slinky - Page 15

I enjoy learning and writing. I also make music. Pretty big gamer, but not into shooters.
added a new chapter to The Infection
Around me was nothing but darkness. Through the fog, I could not see or hear anything, and in the distance, I saw a figure standing; unanimated and silhouetted. I called out to it and it turned its head to look at me. Her face was familiar. It was Atris. Her face was saddened and in pain. I started walking to her, calling to her as I walked, but every step I took, she got farther away. I began running, and then she disappeared completely in the fog. I fell to my knees crying in frustration, p...
on February 28, 2014
About Author
Chapter 6 is almost finished. Sorry it's taking a while, I've just hit writer's block pretty frequently.
on February 27, 2014
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Can I please have some feed back on my story
on February 20, 2014
About Author
So chapter five is finally finished. Did I do a good job changing the point of view? Give me your predictions on what you guys think will happen next and what do you think the sign means? I'm curious to hear your feedback! :)
on February 19, 2014
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added a new chapter to The Infection
One Way
They were rushing at me at a speed that I didn’t know was physically possible, and my heart was beating at a similar pace. They were about twenty feet from me, and he was unconscious on the ground. All I had was a hatchet that I could barely hold with these shaking hands. Jack was growling and I had to hold him back with my foot to keep him from charging them and inevitably killing himself.
The closest one came about five feet from me and jumped. I raised the hatchet, but it was too late. Hi...
on February 19, 2014
About Author
I need Ideas for my story. I'm half way through chapter 5 and I need chapter 6 ideas. Should they set up their defenses at the cabin? stay in the town? or what. I also need names for my main character
on February 17, 2014
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uploaded a photo
Mr.Slinky's Photo 0
on February 16, 2014
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uploaded a photo
Mr.Slinky's Photo 2
on February 16, 2014
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Thanks for following
on February 16, 2014
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np you too
on February 16, 2014
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on February 16, 2014
About Author
Well goodnight everyone. It's 6am here I cant keep my eyes open. please give me ideas for my infection story
on February 16, 2014
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to Akane You are awesome! B)B)B)B) :)
send this to people you think deserves this

(Started by MischiefManaged)
Fire_Demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are as awesome as you think i am!!! :D you're really nice, awesome, a veryyy good writer and thanks a lot for being my internet friend!!!!!!!!!!! &[]
on February 28, 2014
About Author
on February 16, 2014
About Author
added a new chapter to The Infection
Jack and Atris and...
I woke up to Jack licking me in the face and dragon breathing me. I swatted him away in my morning frustration and then pet his head. The light shined on my face as I sat up, stretching. The house was still quiet, except for jack’s panting. I got dressed and went out into the living room. Atris was awake already and was tending to the fire.
“I didn’t know that you knew how to make a fire.” I said, shocked.
“Yeah, my dad taught me when I was a girl. We used to go camping up in the Rockies wh...
on February 15, 2014
About Author
added a new chapter to The Infection
The sun rays seeped through the window and splashed on my face, and I woke up, blinking and rubbing my eyes. I walked out and into the living room. To my surprise, Atris was already awake and was working on fixing a hand radio.
“Good morning, Atris.” I said.
I startled her by saying this and she jumped and let out a tiny squeal. “Oh. uh, good morning to you too.” She put her radio back into her bag and stood up, looking at me. “Thank you again for taking me in. How can I make it up to you?”...
on February 05, 2014
About Author
To Every Writer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never give up on your dreams, because they make the best stories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Spam started by Celest_Stories)
PS: hellooo!! See More
Yeah still working on that one book. currently working on chapter 4
on February 06, 2014
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:D looking forward to more stories!!! (i'm gonna force you to write more >:) ) :D
on January 26, 2014
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lol thanks
on January 26, 2014
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on January 25, 2014
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What should I name a character in my story The Infection
thats coool!! Atris is a very nice name! i never heard of it before!!
on February 07, 2014
About Author
Okay so I have Atris, Jack, and the main character (who shall remain nameless for now) I'm going to add a male in there
on February 06, 2014
About Author
ohh wait!!! google the type of name you want (french, japanese, indian, italian names etc).. sorry i don't ever have good ideas about names so i always google Japanese names (my favorites)
on January 25, 2014
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ummm... i don't know :D
on January 24, 2014
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on January 24, 2014
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There is one more comment. Show
on January 22, 2014
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created a scored quiz
IQ Test (1)

IQ Test (1)

on January 22, 2014
About Author
added a new chapter to The Infection
The Next Day
I woke up after some time. Looking out the window, I saw that the sun was down. It was cold inside my cabin and the door was still open, and snow was beginning to build on the foyer in front of the door. My bag was next to the door, still zipped. Outside, there was about a foot of snow and tree lining had an eerie dark shroud about it. I stood up, slowly and painfully, and walked to the door and shut it. Picking the bag up, I walked over to the table in the kitchen and emptied the contents on...
on January 22, 2014
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created a personality quiz
Star Wars

Star Wars

on January 21, 2014
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created a story
The Infection

The Infection

on January 08, 2014
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uploaded a photo
Mr.Slinky's Photo 0
on January 07, 2014
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