To the first person to guess the setting of this my new story, I will put you in as a character in it. Here is a snipping of the first chapter.
TITLE: Legion
The room was dark. So dark that when I raised my hand and put it in front of my face, I could not see it. Not even a silhouette of it. There was nothing to make a silhouette, because in this kind of darkness, the silhouette was camouflage. I squinted my eyes and tried to adjust, but it was no use. I just had to settle See More with the fact that I was going to be in the blind for the duration of the night.
I could here her breathing through the deafening darkness in the room. It was soft and peaceful. The methodical inhaling and releasing of breath made somewhat of a rhythm; a rhythm that I was devoid of. My breathing was erratic. It was the breathing of someone who had seen too much combat. Someone who was always cautious and who always thought someone was after him. I let out a small laugh. The breathing of a politician.
I envied her. She was quiet and peaceful. She didn't have to worry about anything. At least, not anything like what I had to deal with day in and day out. She had fallen asleep so easily, and here I was laying here still. Nothing I tried worked. I was at the mercy of sleep. How could I sleep though? I had too much to worry about. Sleep was a luxury; the luxury of a common man, and I was not a common man.
Finally I gave up. SLeep was not going to find me this night. Letting out a sigh, I sat up on the edge of the bed and stood. I had to feel my way across the room, though I was so familiar with it, I could have probably run laps around it without any troubles. This was just for an ease of mind I guess. Finally, I found the door and pushed it open. This room was slightly larger and brighter than the last, though not by much. Its only light source was that of a muffled moon light coming from the balcony overlooking formal gardens outside the palace.
TITLE: Legion
The room was dark. So dark that when I raised my hand and put it in front of my face, I could not see it. Not even a silhouette of it. There was nothing to make a silhouette, because in this kind of darkness, the silhouette was camouflage. I squinted my eyes and tried to adjust, but it was no use. I just had to settle See More with the fact that I was going to be in the blind for the duration of the night.
I could here her breathing through the deafening darkness in the room. It was soft and peaceful. The methodical inhaling and releasing of breath made somewhat of a rhythm; a rhythm that I was devoid of. My breathing was erratic. It was the breathing of someone who had seen too much combat. Someone who was always cautious and who always thought someone was after him. I let out a small laugh. The breathing of a politician.
I envied her. She was quiet and peaceful. She didn't have to worry about anything. At least, not anything like what I had to deal with day in and day out. She had fallen asleep so easily, and here I was laying here still. Nothing I tried worked. I was at the mercy of sleep. How could I sleep though? I had too much to worry about. Sleep was a luxury; the luxury of a common man, and I was not a common man.
Finally I gave up. SLeep was not going to find me this night. Letting out a sigh, I sat up on the edge of the bed and stood. I had to feel my way across the room, though I was so familiar with it, I could have probably run laps around it without any troubles. This was just for an ease of mind I guess. Finally, I found the door and pushed it open. This room was slightly larger and brighter than the last, though not by much. Its only light source was that of a muffled moon light coming from the balcony overlooking formal gardens outside the palace.

on March 21, 2014

on March 20, 2014

btw my name is Emma
on March 20, 2014

on March 20, 2014

lol close but no hint: think of the title, and pay close attention especially to the end of it
on March 20, 2014
on March 18, 2014

So i'll be starting a star wars role playing chat room soon, once i get enough people to join in, i'll start it and give out the info for it
on March 17, 2014

Okay so i just edited chapter one and i'll be working on the other chapters. once i finish my editing i'll be resuming my writing with chapter 9, 10, etc
on March 17, 2014

OMG I just finished watching Star Wars the Clone Wars season 6 on Netflix. It was simply amazing! I love how they seemed to foreshadow order 66 in the first 3 episodes. Spoiler alert! I AM SO SAD THAT FIVES IS GONE! DX I'll miss you fives. RIP echo squad
on March 16, 2014

Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o has become the latest big name to be linked to the upcoming Star Wars movie after meeting director JJ Abrams.
The 12 Years A Slave star met with Abrams to discuss a possible role in the film just before the Academy Awards, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
She joins the likes of Adam Driver, Saoirse Ronan, Michael B Jordan, Jesse Plemons and Brits Ed Speleers and John Boyega, who have all been linked to roles in Star Wars: Episode VII.
Reports See More suggest Carrie Fisher has signed up to return as Princess Leia in the blockbuster.
Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Star-Wars-role-for-Lupita-Nyongo/tabid/418/articleID/336134/Default.aspx#ixzz2wA0ym9Qo
Source - "http://www.3news.co.nz/Star-Wars-role-for-Lupita-Nyongo/tabid/418/articleID/336134/Default.aspx"
The 12 Years A Slave star met with Abrams to discuss a possible role in the film just before the Academy Awards, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
She joins the likes of Adam Driver, Saoirse Ronan, Michael B Jordan, Jesse Plemons and Brits Ed Speleers and John Boyega, who have all been linked to roles in Star Wars: Episode VII.
Reports See More suggest Carrie Fisher has signed up to return as Princess Leia in the blockbuster.
Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Star-Wars-role-for-Lupita-Nyongo/tabid/418/articleID/336134/Default.aspx#ixzz2wA0ym9Qo
Source - "http://www.3news.co.nz/Star-Wars-role-for-Lupita-Nyongo/tabid/418/articleID/336134/Default.aspx"

Star Wars role for Lupita Nyong'o? - Story - Entertainment - 3 News
Lupita Nyong'o has become the latest big name to be linked to the upcoming Star Wars movie after meeting director JJ Abrams.
on March 16, 2014

HEY!! you haven't been on in a while! I'm worried about you :(

hellooo :D aww thats so nice to worry!! i've been worrying about u too cause i haven't been on so haven't said "how are you?" :D i dropped by and i'm going back with the speed of light :D i need to go do homeworks -_- i feel like a looong sleepless night awaits me -_-
on March 17, 2014
on March 16, 2014

Thanks for following me !! :)
on March 16, 2014

Alright guys so once I finish chapter 9, i'm taking a break to go through and edit any mistakes, anomalies, and revise anything in the story to see if anything in it doesn't coordinate with itself in the plot. I've found a few things myself that I don't like. If you see any errors in it please tell me. This is in my story "The Infection"
on March 14, 2014

Mr.Slinky added a new chapter to The Infection
I woke up early the next morning. The sun way still trying to climb it’s was over the horizon giving the sky a beautiful plethora of pinks, yellows, and blues dancing across the sky like ocean waves. Atris wasn’t in the chair with me, and I assumed that she had already woken up before me and was off helping the other women in the garden. I walked outside. It was incredibly cold today and I began to shiver. I went around back to where most of the others were and found Dale with a gathering of ...
Read Full Chapter
on March 14, 2014

Mr.Slinky added a new chapter to The Infection
New Society
“Dale, is it?” I asked, a little in shock to what he just said.
“That’s me.” He exclaimed, still not looking up.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“You wanted to know if you could leave and go back to your petty little shelter, where you think you’re safe in the woods.”
“And what makes you think we’re not safe?” Atris interrupted before I could say something.
He finally looked up. “You guys are alone out there. You don’t have any food, I take it. Water, supplies, the basic n... Read Full Chapter
“That’s me.” He exclaimed, still not looking up.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“You wanted to know if you could leave and go back to your petty little shelter, where you think you’re safe in the woods.”
“And what makes you think we’re not safe?” Atris interrupted before I could say something.
He finally looked up. “You guys are alone out there. You don’t have any food, I take it. Water, supplies, the basic n... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2014

congrats on your 62 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so important to be your 2nd follower!!! :D &[] btw nice profile pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on March 09, 2014


:-O Brandon!!!!!!!!!! lol i had to go to your story list to remember who u are XD sorry i never keep up with username changes -_- :D
on March 09, 2014
on March 08, 2014

on March 06, 2014

so i'll be changing my username soon (if I can figure out how) just remember that if you all prefer firedemon just look on my wall at this post to remember. I just need to change it because I had this name in honour of girlfriend who is now my ex and now I need to get rid of all that accosiates myself with her including my user name. thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
on March 06, 2014

woooow you gotta be kidding me. my "t" button is messing up baaaaaaad!! XD
on March 06, 2014