25 People Kicked In The Nuts - Holytaco
This gallery was inspired by this article. Apparently in Indiana, hitting your friends in the nuts is popular. So popular, in fact, that they're cracking down on it state wide. In other totally unrelated news; the Indiana boys choir won nationals this year! Way to go, guys!

Yeah me two right now @Meme_Lord
on July 10, 2016
on July 10, 2016

I really hate life ?

on July 10, 2016

@Angelthefallenangel life is what's wrong, but for real my mom is breaking up with my step dad and he doesn't even know it and I'm crying because I really like him she's been with him for 3 years and apparently iM to young to know why
on July 10, 2016
on July 10, 2016

I'm moving to Huston :( and leaving my step dad behind :((

on July 09, 2016
on July 09, 2016

on July 09, 2016

on July 09, 2016

You're backkkkkk

on July 09, 2016
on July 08, 2016

Did you ever make that picture?
on July 08, 2016