https://www.google.com/search?q=like+if+you+would+save+dave&client=ms-android-boost-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj05fq-xdXNAhUo3IMKHTbfCMwQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=511#tbm=isch&q=Like+if+you+would+save&imgrc=HmBL3eGnQcz01M%3A Send this to someone you care about
on July 02, 2016

Me : mom are you awake
Mom : yes are you awake?
Me : no I'm not awake
Me : mom if I was asleep would I be able to text you?
((this was all within the hour and it was through the phone ))
Mom : yes are you awake?
Me : no I'm not awake
Me : mom if I was asleep would I be able to text you?
((this was all within the hour and it was through the phone ))
on July 02, 2016

http://www.unclesirbobby.org.uk/dreamdictionary/best-friend.php I had a dream about my best friend and I guess this is what it meant
DREAM DICTIONARY - Best-friend :
best-friend in dreams - a dream dictionary made from a comprehensive study of real dreams.
on July 02, 2016

I just became a grandmom
on July 02, 2016

Everytime I get a notification I yell notification in my head and go right to it
on July 02, 2016

I want my best friend back :(

She moved away like 2 months ago and we have known each other for like 6 years and I have been having dreams with her and me
on July 02, 2016
on July 02, 2016
I finished the picture
on July 02, 2016

I had a notification and when I went to check it it was gone
on July 02, 2016

Could you draw me and you playing cards?
on July 02, 2016