MificLetus asked a question
I Am Bored. What should I do? So I'm in quarantine and there's no more school. I'm bore...
on September 18, 2020

There's a kind of snake called the Flying Snake that flattens its spine and body and leaps from trees. They can glide and they live in tropical areas.
on September 17, 2020

on September 16, 2020

on September 16, 2020

yo wat da hecc
why is there a heccing pizza on mah ceiling.
(once again, i am anxiously posting things)
why is there a heccing pizza on mah ceiling.
(once again, i am anxiously posting things)
on April 28, 2020

My friends and I all just said ¨Domino's¨ and I just screamed ¨JINK! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YOU ALL OWE ME COCA COLAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!¨
on January 29, 2020