MehaRima - Page 2

i am someone who loves music,art and beautiful things.....
AND disney lover
LoveIseternal&Divine See More▼
Post your Drawings/paintings's Photo 0
on July 31, 2016
Post your Drawings/paintings's Photo 0
on July 31, 2016
Post your Drawings/paintings's Photo 1
on July 31, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
Essence x Wolfina
's Photo 1
on July 31, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
's Photo 18
on July 31, 2016
created a personality quiz
What's your Date-Love Mantra?
This is where you could get to know your true SOUL mantra to the WORLD OF DATING:) It can't be what u directly think about the fact but somewhere or the other IS THE REAL YOU as Instinct make u the person Special and Different ...
19 responses 2
on July 31, 2016
created a poll
TEAM-Bird or Duck?
Birdy Bow
Ducky Doe
3 votes 0
on July 30, 2016
added a poll to the starred list
What Do You Like More, Cats Or Dogs?
15 votes 2
on July 29, 2016
created a poll
Which One to Vote for?
Geeky duos
Fashion buddies
8 votes 0
on July 29, 2016
created a poll
Which one looks great?
Cycle Riders
Bff Partypoppers
3 votes 0
on July 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are me!
You are me!
Like me, you are really creative, and good at art. You are also quite intelligent like me *ME: blushes*. Excersize...well, it ain't your thing...but still! Your glasses are real (well they might be), and you were the first one of GGs to get glasses! Nickname is Lulu
on June 29, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Which rainbow magic fairy are you?
I have picked 1 fairy for each month so take the quiz and enjoy! Please comment + rate, please not too many bad comments as they shame me. But i cant stop you so say what you like...:(
120 responses 27
on June 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
September: Tasha the Tapdance fairy
September: Tasha the Tapdance fairy
Tasha sure can dance! She is really active and crazy!!! Her favourite colours are red and black. Her hair is short and black, with a red streak. She wears a short red skirt, black leggins and a black top.
on June 29, 2016
Don't be ...i still play Girl Dressup games
on June 29, 2016
created a poll
Inside VS Outside worlds?
Are u more of an Insider? --opt for this
Love being Outside? --opt for this
Prefer being 50-50 --opt if u r not sure
4 votes 0
on June 29, 2016
created a poll
Birds Or Butterflies?
Both are so ...
Both are Bea...
7 votes 3
on June 29, 2016
The Endless Affection
The Endless Affection
This particular night they were shearing secrets with each-other. Telling each-other the things neither had told anyone else before. Things that not a single soul knew.

"Then there was that time I...Destroyed Rosh's stick!"

"oh, Edwin! that's positively evil! and I should know!"
They both laughed.
The night had been full of stories like this. The time Eva thompson blackmailed a a Coder.
Or the time Edwin fooled a Biochemist into thinking it was the end of the world..

Endless stories sh...
on June 29, 2016
NEW here !!@! Xcited!!1
on June 28, 2016
created a story
There's something about Edwin
A Sizzling Romance Eva Thompson is a strong, sexy and understanding computer programmer from the city. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Edwin Garcia, a curvy, smart man with a passion for life. Eva takes an instant dis...
6 reads 5 readers 0
on June 28, 2016
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Qfeast Contests
Are you a creative writer? We’d like to encourage you to take the challenge and write your hearts out! We'll make you famous on Qfeast, plus prizes!
384 subscribers 1 member
on June 28, 2016