hello pplz i am back today and quite board.....anyone have a recommended book on qfeast?
on November 25, 2015

on November 25, 2015

that scary moment when you look up what your name means online..........and they just described you
on November 25, 2015

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Ella_swan
on November 25, 2015

starting RP with @Rebel_Fangirl
Maya:*in office writing book on computer*
Maya:*in office writing book on computer*
on November 25, 2015

starting RP anyone can join
Maya: *in office writing ideas on note cards and putting them in a jar*
Maya: *in office writing ideas on note cards and putting them in a jar*
on November 25, 2015

on November 25, 2015

name: maya
age: 19
personality: shy and funny
age: 19
personality: shy and funny
on November 25, 2015

want something fun or weird to do? look up you phobias and see what they are actually called
i have..
Entomophobia (fear of insects)
Monophobia (fear of being alone)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Necrophobia (fear of death) See More
Selachophobia (fear of sharks)
Taphephobia (fear of being berried alive)
and those are my fears it's kinda nice to have them laid out before me
i have..
Entomophobia (fear of insects)
Monophobia (fear of being alone)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Necrophobia (fear of death) See More
Selachophobia (fear of sharks)
Taphephobia (fear of being berried alive)
and those are my fears it's kinda nice to have them laid out before me

on November 24, 2015

i do admitt that some of these might actually be fears but i am a hundred percent sure on my phobia of being berried alive, sharks and vomiting (seriously if i feel the tiniest bit sick i will freak out and will not eat just because i don't want to throw up, i won't swim in oceans, and i will NOT go anywhere near a place with coffins and soft soil including grave See More yards!) are phobias
on November 24, 2015

OK awesome. And no, these phobias are not very common at all. They are as fears, but not as phobias. There's a big difference.If it's a phobia, you're so terrified that you might end up scarred for life by confronting it, you experience physical weaknesses and symptoms, and you're very limited and impaired by the phobias. Someone with a fear of insects that I See More know literally won't go outside when it's dark because they won't be able to see the things.
on November 24, 2015

i have i looked it up researched two pages each because i wanted to make sure it was what i really have. i mean these are basic stuff i'm pretty sure a lot of people have these (and you not coming off rude don't worry)
on November 24, 2015

Huh. Seriously, though, you should put more research into it. I hope that I'm not sounding rude or pushy about this, but I'm very scientific and like to be sure of things.
on November 24, 2015
on November 24, 2015

JULIAN SMITH - I'm Reading a Book
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/im-reading-a-book-single/id415551128 Free Ringtone: http://www.myxer.com/get/item/9812050/ Follow me on Twitter! htt...
on November 23, 2015

starting rp anyone can join
Damien: *walking around city trying to keep out of sight*
Damien: *walking around city trying to keep out of sight*
on November 23, 2015

on November 23, 2015

Name: Ariel
age: 14
appearance: pic
likes: food sleep books movies and swimming
dislikes: fire spiders
personality: calm and collect, funny, talkative and loves to read
hobbies: reading and writing See More
pets: dog named coral
powers: water,ice,and snow
age: 14
appearance: pic
likes: food sleep books movies and swimming
dislikes: fire spiders
personality: calm and collect, funny, talkative and loves to read
hobbies: reading and writing See More
pets: dog named coral
powers: water,ice,and snow
on November 23, 2015