Maya_swan - Page 41

my name is Maya ariana swan. i am a total fangirl trust me!
My fandom's are:
•harry potter See More
power will base on what kingdom you get
warrior:fire infinity weapon of chioce
wisdom: magic
caring: air flying
outcast: earth poison
on March 30, 2015
About Author
name: Tesa
age: 14
kingdom: outcast
looks: pic above
likes: reading and painting
dislikes: the wisdom kingdom
other: pet is dragon pic above
on March 30, 2015
About Author
on March 30, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
you don't belong to a kingdom but there is something special about you that makes you special
take this quiz weather you want to be a member of my page or if u take it for fun.
on March 30, 2015
About Author
on March 30, 2015
About Author
created a personality quiz

which kingdom are you in

on March 30, 2015
About Author
take the quiz to see which kingdom you are in then put it in the member request
what quiz?
on October 17, 2015
About Author
I got warrior
on March 30, 2015
About Author
on March 30, 2015
About Author
on March 30, 2015
About Author
Do you think i did good
on March 30, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
the ocean
the ocean
My mom came home one hour later and we left soon after. our flying car got us to the nearest ocean. we set out our stuff and i walked over to the ocean, i dipped my finger in and felt sad when it turned warm
"no cold freezing cold" i said i dipped my foot in and it was cold but it wasn't the same i went in and thought for a sec, what was different then the hawaii ocean then it hit me. it wasn't fresh the Hawaii ocean was fresh this had tech in it the day was fun nut i couldn't help feel sa...
on March 28, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
reward call
reward call
I came home that day sad longing for the ocean that was untouched by tech. i thought for a sec and found a solution i walked over to my bedroom and picked up my i pad phone generation 36 and called my mom
"hi mom i found my reward that i want" i said
"what?" my mom said
"when are we free?"
"well tomorrow i think"
"grate" after my conversation i hung up and played with Milly still thinking of Hawaii
on March 28, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Hunger Games
Hunger Games
You are extremely brave and sporty. But to you everybody else comes first. You are able to survive in the toughest things. You are independent and head strong.
on March 28, 2015
About Author
on March 27, 2015
About Author
Name: Mabel
Age: 14 (3rd year
Gender: female
House: ravenclaw
Family: none
Back story: lived in an orphanage till dumbledor found me
Main spell and potion: helping spells and poison potions See More
on March 27, 2015
About Author
on March 27, 2015
About Author
uploaded a photo
Maya_swan's Photo 1
on March 27, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
the field trip
the field trip
Soon James came through the door
"Just waiting on one person" he said "oh Abby whats wrong?" Abby wiped her tears.
"nothing' she said
"are you sure?"
"ya I'm sure" finally max came out looking happy
" I was told to tell you we have a field trip tomorrow to visit the danger zone or Hawaii" max said
"Cool" we all said at once.
"What time" I asked
"10:45 A.M" max said
The next day I did the usual. Wake up get changed but today I wore black girly shoes and I black and blue sun dres...
on March 27, 2015
About Author
on March 27, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
Abby's problem
Abby's problem
I sat down next to Abby and she turned to me
"whats wrong?" i asked
'are you talking to me?" Abby asked
"yes you look sad" she barred her head in her hands then she looked up tears draining down her face
"it's my dad"
'"oh i thought it was gonna be about james"
'why what about james"
"oh um nothing what about your dad"
"well the government and the FBI charged into our house today saying my dad was under arrest for stealing but he didn't do it he was with me when the robbery happened i hate ...
on March 27, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
the lab
the lab
"plz lay down" the nurse said
"will it hurt?" i asked
"only for a second but the reward is worth it"
"what is the reward?"
"that's your choice but first we have to stable you DNA"
"can i choose now?"
"sure" she walked over to a pan full of three tubs."this blue one will allow you to control anything with your mind, this green one will allow you to turn invisible, and this purple one allows you to summon anything"
"oh cool" i stared at them then laid down. a pain struck my neck and went up to ...
on March 27, 2015
About Author