Maya_swan - Page 38

my name is Maya ariana swan. i am a total fangirl trust me!
My fandom's are:
•harry potter See More
on April 02, 2015
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on April 02, 2015
About Author
jade:*watches the scoring watches as name comes up*
ceaersar: jade district 3 with the score of 9
jade: i bet i would of gotten a better score if they watched * waits till hears willows name
Willo: yeah
on April 02, 2015
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jade: do you think we could help you know the rebellion?
on April 02, 2015
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Willow: the games
on April 02, 2015
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jade:the games or rebelion
on April 02, 2015
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Willow: I don't want to do this
on April 02, 2015
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There are 12 more comments. Show
on April 02, 2015
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oh cool! :)
you are have good prudential and have awesome aim
on April 02, 2015
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on April 02, 2015
About Author
on April 02, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Color: Dark blue
Personality: Sensible, sensitive, artistic, creative, intelligent.
Food: Turkey breasts
on April 02, 2015
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Are heater is brocken so im freezing
on April 02, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to hunger games (the first)
meet jina picker
meet jina picker
we were lead to a train narrow in the front and square every where else.
"meet train 13" the white faced lady said
"what should we call you?" i asked
"jina picker"
"oh ok"
"i'm your well mangier" she laughed she combed her pink wig with her pink comb. "come on it should leaving about half an hour"
"whats it like at the capital" i just couldn't keep my mouth shut i just needed to talk about something and this was the first thing that poped into my head
"well it's quit nice and busy actually...
on April 02, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to hunger games (the first)
I followed her to two rooms
"this is where you will say your good-byes" she told us. I went in and saw my dad arms opened tears rolling down his cheek.
"dad" i said running to him
"it's okay" he told me hugging me
"what do i do"
" just do what they say and when it comes to the games never take mercy" these word hurt me i know you never really got to know me but i'm a shy girl mercy is all i know when it comes to a fight."
"i don't think i can do it"
"i think you can"the white armored men cam...
on April 02, 2015
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Get to do archury today because got me own bow abd arrows pluse target! I am going to have fun! :D
on April 02, 2015
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Peole say god is not real because of all pain in this world but what i belive is those trials will help us be better people :)
on April 02, 2015
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The pic below happens to me every time!
on April 02, 2015
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subscribed to page
We Love Jesus/God!

We Love Jesus/God!

on April 02, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to hunger games (the first)
Being 13 i put my name in 13 times and soon the time came everyone gathered up ready for the reaping. The doors opened and i white faced woman with a huge wig and small outfit came out
"hello and welcome to the official first ever reaping lets start with the girls shall we" the white faced woman said she reached in with her golden glove and pulled out a piece of paper "Dina may junebug" my heart stopped and i looked around and everyone took a step back to show where i was "come sweety come" ...
on April 02, 2015
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on April 02, 2015
About Author
yay finished book one of free
on April 01, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to to be free
the last chapter
I got so mad i hit the worm tale so hard it broke and i now live here in Hawaii no contacted to anywhere really I'm just waiting for my next chapter or book
on April 01, 2015
About Author
Name: clove
Age: 14
Personality: happy and loves to read and paint
Appearance: pic above
Crush: IDK yet
Extra: just moved from new york and has a cat (in pic)
on April 01, 2015
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has become a member of the page
New Girl Roleplay Page

New Girl Roleplay Page

on April 01, 2015
About Author