Maya_swan - Page 33

my name is Maya ariana swan. i am a total fangirl trust me!
My fandom's are:
•harry potter See More
My bucket list:
1. Go through a drive through on a hourse

2. Eat two big bowls of brownie mix with a tiger

3. Be in a tv show

4. Wear an emoji shirt with shorts and my hair up with an emoji head band while texting *boom mind blown!*

5. Find the set of oust and walk behind the camera and follow them seeing how it's made
My bucket list:

1. Do something to promote world peace

2. Publish a book

3. Get into the National Spelling Bee

4. Make a big breakthrough in science See More
on April 10, 2015
About Author
on April 10, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Here are the two main personalities of cats:

Playful- This is when cats are always climbing on you. They act very much like dogs, and are constantly demanding your attention.
Selfish- This is when cats are acting like they're the best. They constantly act indifferent to everyone, and only care about themselves.

Cats are very fun to cuddle with, and sleep for most of the day. There is way too much about cats that I can tell you here, so it's best if you research how to take care of them.
on April 10, 2015
About Author
Fine i will stop but she is being mean!
Got it!
on April 09, 2015
About Author
I understand, but use a civilized tone in your typing. You don't have to yell to make a point. Speaking clearly makes the person you're talking to understand more clearly. Got it?
on April 09, 2015
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on April 09, 2015
About Author
on April 09, 2015
About Author
There is one more day to vote on the lived qfeasters it ends tomorrow so hurry up and vote!
on April 09, 2015
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on April 09, 2015
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Anybody wanna rp?
Willow: oh okay
on April 10, 2015
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Jade: we have to sneek over to district 13
on April 10, 2015
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Willow: what's next katniss everdeen
on April 09, 2015
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Jade: *leads willow to an old house* lets crash here
on April 09, 2015
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Willow: okay
on April 09, 2015
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There are 22 more comments. Show
on April 09, 2015
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created a scored quiz
Do you know me? (33)

Do you know me? (33)

on April 09, 2015
About Author
Get ready for the top one categories of the day

Quiz: what is your inner animal

Question:Qfeaster fans: what features would you like to see added next?

Poll: Do you support gay rights?

Pages: Qfeast Questions & Answers
on April 09, 2015
About Author
The pic below Is a page I made and i quess you could say a lot of ppl know it I mean I made it yesterday and it already has close to 30 subscribers so please check it out!
on April 09, 2015
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uploaded a photo at The news page
The news page's Photo 0
on April 09, 2015
About Author
I'm here to show you the top two qfeasters. You can find the other three top qfeasters of the week just go to discover and scroll down a little bit

1. KatyKazooo
Categories made:
Polls:1 See More
Hey guys can I be a reporter. I have a page just like this put your ideas are better than mine. So can I be a reporter!
on April 09, 2015
About Author
on April 09, 2015
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Last Element Wielder
Last Element Wielder
You are chained to a curse: a gift given through you by death. With it you are able to manipulate half-alive souls and bring people back from the Other World. You are also gifted in the dark arts, which allows you to reach for deceased souls capable of destruction and decay. With a single touch, you would turn a lovely rose into a black, thorny stalk of dry straw.
on April 09, 2015
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uploaded a photo
Kiwi bird so cute!!!
Maya_swan's Photo 1
on April 09, 2015
About Author
Oooooo cool!!!
You can fly!
You can fly!
This is the power that most people dream of having. Literally - in their dreams, they fly. Lucky you, if you're reading this right now. This result was extremely hard to get. Your flight powers are likely not developed fully, so I can't tell yet what you can do to the full extent of your abilities. However, I do know that your Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff, your colors are sunflower yellow, bright blue, pearly pink, ivory, silver, and gold, and your Greek god is Zeus.
on April 09, 2015
About Author
Here are the top one list from a while of searching i found the top one for every subject:
Quiz: what house from the Harry Potter series would you be in?

Story: why wait for love

Question: arn't pugs the cutest dogs ever?

Poll: which is worse?

And page: Animal Abuse Needs To STOP!!

Thx for reading! And keep in touch to find the next days top one for every catigorie
on April 09, 2015
About Author
"Who wants a face palm button on qfeast" has about 500 awnsers. have you anwserd?
on April 09, 2015
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on April 08, 2015
About Author
Good news so far u r winning the pic a qfeaster contest!
on April 08, 2015
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Thanks for telling me! I'm kind of surprised though...
on April 08, 2015
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on April 08, 2015
About Author
on April 08, 2015
About Author