
GREAT and how are YOU? :D
on December 16, 2015

@MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess how are you?
on December 16, 2015

on December 16, 2015
on December 16, 2015

bye peoples see you on Christmas tis time i'm sure o it :)
on December 03, 2015

if you look down you will see my post down there..i have decided not leave qfeast
. See More
yet....i mean...i don't want to but i don't feel like i fit in.....i don't know but i don't think i will make it another year.....the soonest i know i will leave is summer...but then again i'm not sure for all i know it could be two years until i leave...but i know i will be i can't live here like i have always considered. so for now...see you all on Christmas
. See More
yet....i mean...i don't want to but i don't feel like i fit in.....i don't know but i don't think i will make it another year.....the soonest i know i will leave is summer...but then again i'm not sure for all i know it could be two years until i leave...but i know i will be i can't live here like i have always considered. so for now...see you all on Christmas
on December 03, 2015

hay guys! i'm on for a minute because i would like to rest your worried minds and tell you..i'm not leaving qfeast but i am still taking a break for the month

@Princesscrystalkat if it makes you feel any better Christmas is only 23 days away, that's as long as you have to wait..which isn't as much as it sounds
on December 03, 2015
on December 03, 2015

Guys I'm taking a break from qfeast till Christmas to see if i actually want to leave. see you guy son Christmas...probably
on December 01, 2015

hay :)

Good, but I'm only on for a minute to post the Book of the Day. Then I have to get back to school.
on December 01, 2015
on December 01, 2015