
Hi guys I am your friend so talk to me I dont wanna be lonely!
I like to draw and paint, and I am quite good in English and Math XD. I'm almost a teen ?
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Greek or Roman
This is a quiz to figure out if you are a Greek or Roman demigod in The Heroes of Olympus series.
65 responses 0
on May 14, 2020
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What type of ghost are you? (1)
have you ever wondered what type of ghost you will be when you die well this is the quiz for you
29 responses 2
on March 11, 2020
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Who is my Greek Godly Parent? ( Percy Jackson)
This quiz will tell you who your possible Godly parent is, although you won't know for sure until you reach camp half-blood. By answering some questions your future will be revealed ass a demi-god. Are you a child of the big th...
177 responses 50
on December 30, 2019
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What god are you
This sis a simple test about what god are u? this is very simple so dont stress
67 responses 16
on December 30, 2019
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What god/goddes are you?
Take this quiz to find out what kind of god/goddes you are!its fun fast and easy!
123 responses 28
on December 30, 2019
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Which pony from my little pony friendship is magic are you.
I added ALOT of results so you may be surprised. the second main characters are added too so be aware. If you don't like anything you can speak with me.
137 responses 53
on December 30, 2019
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What Type of Unicorn are you? (2)
Take this quiz to find out what type of unicorn you are. If you were able to live in the land of make-believe, where would you land on this scale?
9 responses 0
on December 30, 2019
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What Disney character best describes you?
This doesn't include all Disney characters, not even close, but it does include many of my personal favorites. Don't forget to comment what you got and make suggestions, I'm always looking for ways to improve.
15 responses 3
on December 30, 2019
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What Undertale character ARE YOU? (5)
A Fun Quiz wher you can find out what Undertale character you are by taking this quiz you will see what undertale character you are.
19 responses 3
on December 30, 2019
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What magical creature are you?
Are you a phoenix, siren, mermaid, human, werewolf or unicorn? Find out in this quiz!
30 responses 0
on December 30, 2019
So now I have to prepare for an art test I'm supposed to take at my new sec school so that I can get into the Art Elective Programme, aka AEP. Hope I get in, cause I wasn't accepted the first time I did the test this June. The one I did in June was for Direct School Admission, aka DSA, so that I get a chance to get into National Junior College, aka NJC. Now it's just a test in school. Wish me luck ?
on December 30, 2019
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Place for everyone to be loved
I don't care who you are come on down get a membership because everyone deserves to be loved! *Looks to random person* YOU TOO SIR COME ON DOWN! Get a membership and show everyone some live for who they are ^^ ☺️?❤️??????
12 subscribers 5 members fully opened
on December 30, 2019
Finally got my national exam results in October, good thing I did well enough to get to my dream school, National Junior College ?
on December 27, 2019
created a personality quiz
Can you be my best friend?
I want to know which one of you guys could be my best friend so that I can find some peoples' tests and quizzes to do, I don't really know what sort of quizzes to do! Please be honest with your answers as much as possible! Both...
10 responses 2
on December 08, 2019
created a scored quiz
How much do you know about Sherlock Sam?
This quiz is to test you about the current Sherlock Sam stories sold in bookstores or online. If you pass, Sam will let you be his best friend and sidekick. If you fail, you will become his enemy enjoy!
2 responses 0
on September 26, 2019
Hey was this inspired by James Charles? If yes, then Hey Sisterrrr!
haha no lol
on December 11, 2019
on September 26, 2019
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Writer's Block
Hello and welcome! Here in writer's block we help each other out! Those with story ideas they want to see written but don't have the time to write can post their ideas. A person who needs a new story idea can comment " Can I us...
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on September 26, 2019
A story that your younger sibling was born on the same date as you, and on your birthday your parents only do things for the sibling? Then you get jealous and did something you regretted for the rest of your life...
on September 26, 2019
I don't come here often cause I am going to take a national examination in about a month's time:(
on August 01, 2019
created a personality quiz
What kind of Pokemon are you? (2)
Are you curious like Pikachu? Are you confident like Charmander? Are you cheerful like Squirtle? Are you helpful like Bulbasaur? Find out now in this personality quiz!
14 responses 4
on June 24, 2019