Your "People You Must Follow" section has so many old users, I feel super nostalgic.
(I haven't updated it in a long time)
on June 30, 2016
on June 30, 2016

All of my friends have left with a few exceptions. Damn, now I really am a single pringle...
on June 30, 2016

Returning to qfeast after a while is really weird because apparently people left, people were name-dropping me, this site was compared to 4chan (???) and I lost a ton of followers. I dunno, Qfeast got weird.
on June 30, 2016

When did you change your bio?

Because I wanted to know if I just didn't go on your page often enough or if you changed it when I was on a break from qfeast. It still looks really weird to me because I'm so used to your bio being the old one.
on June 30, 2016
on June 30, 2016

Okay, what the f*ck did I do to make Madokidi hate me so much. Jesus Christ, it feels like he's got a rage boner against everyone he has a debate with.
on July 02, 2016

I thought the debate was going well though??? Like, I dunno, maybe I suck at reading the situation.
on July 01, 2016
on June 30, 2016

You know when you want to write somethin' really inspirational and nice but you're blocked so I guess you can't stop another person from hating themselves.
on June 09, 2016

One question; Does trans not stand for transitioning? Wouldn't that mean that you're transitioning to the other gender, not just staying in transition or "limbo". Please answer, this is a real question, I'm not just straw-manning I'm legitimately interested.

I'm just wondering because I see a lot of trans people who say they just want to stay in the gender they are but that they're mentally trans so I got confused.
on July 04, 2016
on July 02, 2016
It stands for transgender, so like, they transitioned to their gender or they're in transition.
on July 02, 2016
on May 11, 2016

on April 15, 2016

What the hell is a reputation point?

on April 05, 2016
on April 04, 2016