Jesus, okay. Qfeast keeps deleting my page so just tell me the nominees and nominations. For example: "Cutest Couple" "Biggest Homesick Fan" etc. When you do, I'll put them into a story. K? K.
on October 04, 2015

Bruh, how are you still at 69? xD

xD To be honest, I did it half for me because I didn't know how long I could hold out on the 69 jokes...
on October 08, 2015
on October 04, 2015

Well isn't that a coincidence. Trevor Noah is mixed and his dad is swiss too.... Although he's a swiss german.
on October 04, 2015

Trevor Noah was a great replacement for The Daily Show... I have a new favourite stand up comedian.
on October 04, 2015

Thumbs up if I should make another trivia quiz. Thumbs down if I should make a Did you Laugh? quiz
on October 03, 2015


on October 03, 2015
on October 03, 2015

on October 03, 2015

Yay! 4 more followers to go!
on October 03, 2015

Me looking at someone who has 30 quizzes: HOW
on October 03, 2015

New videos from some of your favorite YouTube creators. it's pronounced "mem".
on October 02, 2015

That John Cena meme is amazing....

Yeah, they are legitimately funny. At an assembly, they played that at the end of a video and literally everyone was screaming.
on October 03, 2015
on October 02, 2015

Thumbs up if I should make another trivia quiz, thumbs down if I should make an action movie quiz, comment for other.
on October 02, 2015

Skeleton Animated GIF
The best GIFs are on Giphy
on October 02, 2015

Happy 1000!!!
on October 01, 2015