MCR_Ashley_Rose's Starred Questions
MCR_Ashley_Rose has 5 starred questions

Do you think swear words are necessary? This question has bothered me since the age of ...

One direction or justin beiber?? witch one?

Who is ur fave in one direction? out of niall, zayn, harry, liam, or louis? my fave is ...

what is niall horans fan number what is niall horans number it can be his fan number i ...
!["It's Gotta Be YOU!" A One Direction Love Story (chapter 2) As you were sitting on the hard, cold bench, you could just feel the crimson color filling your cheeks. Why wouldn't they be red? I mean, seriously. You just walked into your best friend's house, scared to death because you thought her Dad was dying, just to see a bunch of people staring at you in your pj's WITHOUT a bra, when about 99% of them have never even seen you without lipgloss on before today! Talk about humiliation! 'That's it!' You though angrily as you grabbed your phone out from your back pocket. You hit the little envelope button, indicating you wanted to send a message. You punched in the letter A and the first name up was Addie. You selected her to be your recepient and typed, *I CNT BELIEVE U!!!* as you screamed it aloud. "Can't believe who?" you heard an adgitated voice say, and tears streamed down your face as you bluntly said, "Oh great. Another person." and walked away... "Sounds like you're having the same kind of day I am!" the person replied. After about 4 or 5 steps you stopped because you thought you recognized that voice. 'Is that Addie?' you thought to yourself before turning around. Think again. Addie doesn't have a British accent... or 8 inch heels. "Umm, do I know you?" you said causiously, hoping she wouldn't notice how underdressed you were for being out in public. "Actually, no. I don't recall meeting you.. and believe me. I'd remember... uh, whatever that thing is on your head." she replied, pointing out your messy bun. "Uh, ignoring that! So... why do you seem so familiar if we've never met?" you asked, getting a little exasporated from her attitude. "Oh, PLEASE! Not another fan! Here. *spits lugie on the floor, just barely missing your foot* You can sell it on e-bay. HAPPY? Now get out of my face before I have you arrested." by that last remark you could remember EXACTLY who she was. "Ohhhhh, you think I'm a fan! Yeah... no. Now I know who you are though. You're the girl that got DUMPED LIKE THE LITTLE PIECE OF TRASH YOU ARE by Zayn Malik for being way too clingy and having a tiny case of the Sticky Fingers! I remember you completely!! Miss Rebecka Tilton from the June issue of People magasine. Changed your hair color? Got some fancy-shmancy blue hi-lights? Don't worry. The paparazzi will still find you!" you exclaimed with a little smirk and a scrunch of the nose. You loved seeing how from the beginning, Rebacka had this shocked look on her face that slowly changed to terror and then agony and tears. Okay, so maybe you were a little harsh. But for someone that low to practically SPIT on you- she deserved it! Well, that's what you thought anyways. You started to walk off and saw Addie staring at you with her hands on her hips. She was PISSED! "Wow,____. From whiner to bitch in just 5 seconds. You know, I read your text thinking you were hurt!" Then you tried to defend yourself by saying, "But when I read YOUR t-" "Um, DON'T interrupt me!" Apparently she wasn't finished!..? She crossed her arms and started walking closer to you. "So I look all around, trying to find you, and here you are! Just thrashing your words onto an innocent bystander! So no, you're deffinitely not hurt. You're just in the mood TO hurt! And by the looks of her, I think it's pretty safe to say 'mission accomplished!' I see how it is." Addie said, then ran over to Rebecka to see if she was ok, shooting you a dirty and hateful look as she sat down. Apparently Addie didn't see what happened BEFORE you went off on your little tangit, huh? Bet you're wondering how that's gonna work out for ya... THAT'S IT FOR CHAPTER 2! HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT! 5 COMMENTS AND I'LL WRITE CHAPTER 3!!! (1st person to comment gets to be a character in the next chapter! Congrats to DJearworm for getting to be Rebecka Tilton today! [and the snobbyness is nothing personal, i swear. just needed a bad character for the storyline] ) "It's Gotta Be YOU!" A One Direction Love Story (chapter 2) As you were sitting on the hard, cold bench, you could just feel the crimson color filling your cheeks. Why wouldn't they be red? I mean, seriously. You just walked into your best friend's house, scared to death because you thought her Dad was dying, just to see a bunch of people staring at you in your pj's WITHOUT a bra, when about 99% of them have never even seen you without lipgloss on before today! Talk about humiliation! 'That's it!' You though angrily as you grabbed your phone out from your back pocket. You hit the little envelope button, indicating you wanted to send a message. You punched in the letter A and the first name up was Addie. You selected her to be your recepient and typed, *I CNT BELIEVE U!!!* as you screamed it aloud. "Can't believe who?" you heard an adgitated voice say, and tears streamed down your face as you bluntly said, "Oh great. Another person." and walked away... "Sounds like you're having the same kind of day I am!" the person replied. After about 4 or 5 steps you stopped because you thought you recognized that voice. 'Is that Addie?' you thought to yourself before turning around. Think again. Addie doesn't have a British accent... or 8 inch heels. "Umm, do I know you?" you said causiously, hoping she wouldn't notice how underdressed you were for being out in public. "Actually, no. I don't recall meeting you.. and believe me. I'd remember... uh, whatever that thing is on your head." she replied, pointing out your messy bun. "Uh, ignoring that! So... why do you seem so familiar if we've never met?" you asked, getting a little exasporated from her attitude. "Oh, PLEASE! Not another fan! Here. *spits lugie on the floor, just barely missing your foot* You can sell it on e-bay. HAPPY? Now get out of my face before I have you arrested." by that last remark you could remember EXACTLY who she was. "Ohhhhh, you think I'm a fan! Yeah... no. Now I know who you are though. You're the girl that got DUMPED LIKE THE LITTLE PIECE OF TRASH YOU ARE by Zayn Malik for being way too clingy and having a tiny case of the Sticky Fingers! I remember you completely!! Miss Rebecka Tilton from the June issue of People magasine. Changed your hair color? Got some fancy-shmancy blue hi-lights? Don't worry. The paparazzi will still find you!" you exclaimed with a little smirk and a scrunch of the nose. You loved seeing how from the beginning, Rebacka had this shocked look on her face that slowly changed to terror and then agony and tears. Okay, so maybe you were a little harsh. But for someone that low to practically SPIT on you- she deserved it! Well, that's what you thought anyways. You started to walk off and saw Addie staring at you with her hands on her hips. She was PISSED! "Wow,____. From whiner to bitch in just 5 seconds. You know, I read your text thinking you were hurt!" Then you tried to defend yourself by saying, "But when I read YOUR t-" "Um, DON'T interrupt me!" Apparently she wasn't finished!..? She crossed her arms and started walking closer to you. "So I look all around, trying to find you, and here you are! Just thrashing your words onto an innocent bystander! So no, you're deffinitely not hurt. You're just in the mood TO hurt! And by the looks of her, I think it's pretty safe to say 'mission accomplished!' I see how it is." Addie said, then ran over to Rebecka to see if she was ok, shooting you a dirty and hateful look as she sat down. Apparently Addie didn't see what happened BEFORE you went off on your little tangit, huh? Bet you're wondering how that's gonna work out for ya... THAT'S IT FOR CHAPTER 2! HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT! 5 COMMENTS AND I'LL WRITE CHAPTER 3!!! (1st person to comment gets to be a character in the next chapter! Congrats to DJearworm for getting to be Rebecka Tilton today! [and the snobbyness is nothing personal, i swear. just needed a bad character for the storyline] )](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/sq/183c3ca8ce894cebb2985172fe55d7.jpg)