Ashley Beck
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Comments (16)

*grabs him and hugs* Me:Its not safe to go alone. Take this in knolage that I love and respect you.
on March 20, 2017

I'll track down the placers and punch thsm down, then make them beg for mercy and apoligize! Not joking -.-
on March 07, 2016
I would go punch whoever wrote that, then get help. Because no matter how many fingers you point at someone, if you point one, four are pointed back at you.
on December 15, 2015

I wouldn't need to go get help because I woulda gone all NCIS on them notes, track down them bullies and knocked their taste buds into next week.
on December 15, 2015

I'd help him out, but no hug. Sorry.

@Drake23 meh it's alright
on December 14, 2015
on December 14, 2015