Crush: Chica, bonnie. Friends: Chica, and Bonnie. Feelings for Chica: I love her!!! And I hate it, but love it! Feelings for Bonnie: I love his hair smell! So upsessive! Feelings for Freddy: ugh... Not a nice guy. Likes: Sailing, Chica, and pizza! Hates: Freddy.
You love to eat! You are the athletic one of the group and always does track and cross country. You are vibrant and vintage. People love to go out with you.
Crush: Foxy. Friends: Foxy, Freddy, and Bonnie. Feelings for Foxy: so sweet! Just love him! Feelings for Bonnie: Nice, but too upsessive. Feelings for Freddy: too frightening. But not to me! Likes: Carl, Nice people, and Pizza! Don't forget... FOXY WHY'D YOU TROW MY CUPCAKE? Hates: Mangle, Rude People, and Pizza-stealers!