400 followers! You guys are all awesome! Love you all and thanks for following me!
on August 29, 2015

on August 28, 2015

395! Only 5 more to 400! Either way I got my wonderful 395! Love you all!
on August 28, 2015

392 followers! So close to 400! Thank you all who follow me! I love you all!
on August 26, 2015

Got sick and tried updating the next chapter for Awakening the wolf. It didn't happen. It should be updated today? 8/24/25 around 5:00 PM. It is 2:06 AM. Gonna log off for the night. Love you all! Night!
on August 24, 2015

So bored. Looking for some online comics to read. Turning up with nothing. Manga isn't helping either.
on August 23, 2015

I feel like a zombie with an almost dead laptop. It's 1:40 AM. Gotta get some sleep. Night everyone! Love you all!
on August 21, 2015

If you have not heard this song LISTEN!!!! And if you know it then YOU'RE AWESOME!!! This song is now stuck in my head forever!
If you have not heard this song LISTEN!!!! And if you know it then YOU'RE AWESOME!!! This song is now stuck in my head forever!

Years & Years - King (lyrics)
Years & Years - King (lyrics) Thanks for watching! :)
on August 16, 2015

Going to be offline for 1 day starting at 7:30 my time. Sorry if I was chatting or rping with some of you! See you all tomorrow night.
on August 16, 2015

Grrr.... being trolled by so many Colleges. I'VE ALREADY DECIDED ON THE ONES I WANT!!! STOP SENDING ME EMAILS!!!!!!!!!

I'm being trolled by 15 freaking colleges!!!! And the one I want to send me mail and emails isn't!
on August 15, 2015
on August 15, 2015

382 Followers!!!! Thank you all!!!! Hoping to get to 390-400 by my birthday, September 4. Again thank you all for following me!
on August 15, 2015

Ugh... my birthday seems like it's never gonna come... each day passes by so slow. I really just want my birthday to come so I can hang out with my BFF's
on August 15, 2015

Pre plotting my birthday. Planning on having two or three friends over... don't know what to do for cake though!!!! Argh!! CAKE! I don't know what I should get!
on August 13, 2015

The ancient Desert stories *sonic rp*
Does anyone remember Sonic and the secret rings? Yea, so this is a Role play about the Arabian stories... does anyone understand? comment me for a better explain thing You also have to be a member
on August 11, 2015

It's 1:56 AM and still awake. I need to end this habit and go to sleep sooner. But its soooooo hardddddd! I now shall sleep. Love you all! <3
on August 07, 2015

on August 07, 2015

@randomfandom is as majestic as they come
on August 07, 2015