Lulu_Vision's Quizzes

Lulu_Vision published 3 quizzes
Which One Of My Spirits Are You?
You won't believe me but there's actually 21 possible results: 17 normal; 3 special and 1 kind of secret! Please tell me which one you've got! I would love to see which one of my little minions you are..! By the way I created t...
61 responses 23
How Much Do You Know Jeff The Killer?
This is a quick little quiz to see how much you know Jeff The Killer. Are you a real fangirl? A real fanboy? This should be easy. And I hope I didn't make any mistakes myself! ^^' It would be humiliating! X) Good Luck!
78 responses 17
Which Creepypasta Is Stalking You?
Try to say the truth in this quiz, it's not about which creepypasta you are but which creepypasta is STALKING YOU! It could be important! I mean what if they existed? O_O
730 responses 122