LuciferCroce's Page Subscriptions

LuciferCroce is subscribed to 12 pages
Hetalia RP! :3
I am not addicted to Hetalia xD So, you can make an OC, a country, or post pictures of them! ? I am going to say this now... Canada is mine! :3 Someone may RP him, but my OC is going to have a crush on him! :3 xD Sorry girls. H...
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
welcome hetalia fans!
hey! my name is doctressholmes and I love hetalia! so my friend did a page like this and I decided to make my own! so all hetalia fans welcome! ^~^
13 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Song Lyrics!
this is just a page where you can post lyrics to songs you like! please no "Bad" songs (example: Anaconda) no songs that swear a lot or have "Inappropriate things" please and if i see a bad song i will delete it its okay if a s...
13 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Sunday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. ...
58 subscribers 14 members fully opened profile page
Qfeast Roleplaying Pages
A top list of roleplaying Qfeast pages. Find and share rp pages! Important: as before, all rp pages shall be marked as 'profile'
455 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Hetalia Lovers!
Are you a Hetalia fan? Well then please be welcome to jion this page if you are one :D You can talk about Hetalia make friends and more! But you know the rules!~ Ve~ well ciao!~
22 subscribers 2 members
Homestucks, Lyricstucks, Austucks, pictures, fan art, fanfictions, all for the lovely trash that is Homestuck
15 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Anime RP
if u have an anime OC RP HERE! if u don't then make one here! its that easy
24 subscribers 4 members fully opened
Asylum RP
Come to the Hansfield Rehabilitation Center for those with Disorders or more properly known as the Hansfield Asylum. If you feel crazy, this is the place to be.
62 subscribers 5 members fully opened
Yep, since my other one was deleted (thanks to my little sister) SO I'M MAKING A NEW ONE!! So yea, you can Roleplay anything here. BUT THEIR ARE RULES!!!! 1. no sexual stuuf (that's kinda nasty but you can kiss or whatever) 2.I...
12 subscribers 7 members fully opened profile page
Yuri rp
Yuri means a anime of girlxgirl i really like yuri,some people of here,girls,r bi or even lesbian,so this is for all that specials girls,hope u enjoy!
3 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Dark rp
This is a Dark rp where u can have secreat Behind u or also can be a mithical crea true To rp fill this 1name2 age 3Power weopens or abilitis4species (human,lost ángel,demon,ángel,dragón or a Insanity girl/boy 4gender 5personal...
33 subscribers 9 members fully opened