Lily....I feel like total crap right now because you were always social on my stuff but never really got to you and I don't know why I never payed attention before and I'm a true idiot and I really wish I could have done something to help you and I think I really could have made a difference and maybe if I actually helped you I could have prevented this from happening to you, and when I saw the last thing on your wall was posted was on my page I felt horrible...I am so sorry I See More am sorry i just can't help but say I'm sorry for all of haven't done to help you and to be a good friend to yo like I should have and I don't know who I thought I was to just see you as another one of my followers and I'm truly sorry and I wish you were still here and I swear to god that if I could go back in time to change anything it would have been to prevent your suicide and to give my self a giant slap in the face and tell me to pay attention to others more and your a beautiful girl and your truly missed and I wish I could have done more because truly I could have done so much more for you....I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I'm so sorry...I truly hope wherever you are, your happy.
on March 25, 2015

I wish you didn't take your life away. May God hold you tight in his hands. I talked to you a little, but now I wish I would of talked to you more. That feeling circles through out everyone. I pray the people you left behind will remember you as the beautiful and amazing girl you were. Watch over the people suffering from your lose and show them you are in a beautiful, better place.
on March 25, 2015

I know we had never talked,but I feel it right to pay respects to the dead, though you lived a life you eventually stole from yourself, I'm sure it had some enjoyable points, and though you are no longer a part of this world, you shall be remembered and revered by your friends and family, sometimes the world gets to be a bit much.... I think everyone can vouch for that... But in all honesty, all life is precious and should never be taken away prematurely, this sort of thing should See More never happen but it does, and as people watch your would vear off to wherever its going (idk your religion or beliefs) be a guardian to those who are like you and help them to survive where you couldn't stand to, good bye, and it would have been nice to know you...
on March 25, 2015

Okay, sorry for being so late in the game, but I really did wish we could've talked more....Earlier, when gothic was gone, it was really helpful of you to tell me what was going on then...And you were always looking out for friends. I like that in people. May your soul be at rest.
~ Sophia
Okay, sorry for being so late in the game, but I really did wish we could've talked more....Earlier, when gothic was gone, it was really helpful of you to tell me what was going on then...And you were always looking out for friends. I like that in people. May your soul be at rest.
~ Sophia

on March 25, 2015
on March 25, 2015

I know you are all going to hate me for this, but I have something to say. According to some of you, Lily committed suicide. Now since this happened, all of you are posting about how much you loved her and all of these things. Where were you when she was alive? It didn't look like you were saying how much you meant to her and how much you cared. I'm not saying that being nice is wrong, but you should have did it while she was still here and maybe she would still be here. I'm sick See More of this. Not giving a care and once they're gone, the focus is on them. I'm not trying to get hated on, I'm telling the truth.

I...I didn't know she committed suicide until now and I had no idea how she felt when she was alive...I'm sorry... :(
on March 25, 2015
on March 25, 2015
on March 25, 2015
That is SO true. I mean, I just said that post Cuz I felt really bad. I didn't really know her. But this is so true.
on March 25, 2015
on March 25, 2015

LILY!!!! WHY ?!?!?!!?!? :((
on March 25, 2015

Lol who do you think has the most hilarious selfie?
on March 24, 2015

I hate it when you write on someone's photo or post, and they just like, answer everyone else's post except for yours.
on March 21, 2015

Gtg finish my homework.
on March 15, 2015

Do u actually love me lily or is it fake. I feel lonely because you don't even talk to me anymore

Yes we can still date, age doesn't matter...(well kind of matters, but I can accept this)
on March 14, 2015
on March 14, 2015

Trelily...I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!

How old are you. We're do you live, what's your personality. It's not just going to be omg lol I'm dating @TrevorTheWolf and that's it. We will talk and enjoy life. Not to mean I'm just saying, show me a real pic of you and I'll show you a pic of. Me. Btw what I mean by were you live is like the state or city. I hope you are reading the Lilycakes??????
on March 14, 2015
on March 14, 2015