Lillypad354's Questions
Lillypad354 asked 35 questions

What's your fave Pokemon game? I'm too lazy to make a poll
What is your favorite thing to draw?
Who is your favorite YouTuber? (5) Yay

What's your favorite anime opening song? Um... Has to be a opening to a anime?...

Is bread bread? So... IS IT?!?
What was the first Anime you watched?
What is the bloodiest anime you've watched? because im bored...

What is your favorite kind of link? toon, grown up, kid, idk what I'm doing anyways...
What do people consider you? Sporty, weird, nerd? I don't care...
How many crushes do you have? Pretty explanatory... But WHATEVER

What is your favorite emoji? (1) Pretty Explainable...
what is the meaning of life?!? A A A AH H H H

What is your favorite Pokemon game? A game, any one, but it has to be a game...

One word to describe Nyan cat Just give me one word to describe Nyan cat. One word. And...

What is your favorite LoZ character? Meh, Link, Zelda, Navi, Epona, or someone else fro...
What would you do in the zombie apocalypse? I dunno... Panic, fight, whatever I don't r...
Your favorite ship? :3 any ship from anywhere... I don't really care...

What is your favorite Miku songs? because Miku is awesome. And that's all there is to i...

Who is your favorite champion? (pokemon) I don't care from wat region. But it can't be ...