your like me you want a goofy boyfriend! someone who jokes around and makes you laugh, kind of like another bestfriend! someone your able to open up to a trust!
I really hope you like dogs, cause this guy is all about them. Kiba is often short-tempered and impulsive, and enjoys battle even against difficult opponents. He cares deeply for his dog Akamaru, and many other animals as his family breeds and fights alongside canines. If you have a fear of dogs you may want to get over that soon. He is incredibly loyal to his clan, canines and friends. Kiba is indefinitely an alpha male type, brash, confident and courageous. He takes care of his friends much like a leader in a wolf pack. Many people have compared him to Naruto and he gets pretty put out by this, pouting, yelling, denying. He's determined to be one of the best and he's willing to work for it.
What he thinks of you: He thinks you're amazing to put it simply. He loves how you act with Akamaru, how you don't take things lying down, and how you're always around to pick him back up when he hits a few of those rougher days. He thinks you're perfect even with your flaws. He'd gladly take you places on Akamaru's back and although he was hesitant bringing you to meet his mom and sister for the first time, you did great and mingled right in. He's still a bit embarrassed from the stories his mom told you but you always make him feel taller so he'll sometimes leave you alone with them, though he regrets this when he later comes back and you've got an all new arsenal of blackmail on him.
First date: Your first date with him was probably to a dog park where you two sat and talked for hours while Akamaru played. It was probably much more peaceful than you would have expected from Kiba but that makes it all the sweeter. He would later take you on dates out of the village, climbing, water parks and anything he thought you might like after getting to know you better.
You may be consided small. You are childish and play with many toys. You may be a bullied person in your home or in school. You do not care for violence and will run away from fights. You also have plenty of balance.