@Shadow6208 here you go... https://voca.ro/1guAeQOa4ZIJ
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.

on October 09, 2020

@ne_lly969_the_killer I cant rn-
on October 09, 2020

just check it out
on October 09, 2020

@ne_lly969_the_killer wut-
on October 09, 2020

cool u might wanna check you gmail heheh dont ask questions oki
on October 09, 2020
on October 09, 2020

Why do people have to lie?...And why doesn't anyone care?...its 2:33 pm and I haven't eaten anything today...
on October 09, 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQEY7iGGJO0 im bi and i know half of these-
21 Songs Every Gay Knows ?️?
Tag ur gay bff ?️? Get a personalized video from me! http://cameo.com/todrick Follow Todrick: http://instagram.com/todrick http://facebook.com/toddyrockstar...
on October 08, 2020

Now it is time to suffer
Because we have to take
le math test pwp
Because we have to take
le math test pwp
on October 08, 2020