Who online so I can talk to someone? Just kinda bored here and I have till 11 AM to chat,so just message me here!
on April 15, 2021

I will not be on as much,and it is only b/c my mom knows what is best for me,so I will still be on for a few messages here and there,but not as much as I used to be! Hope you all understand coming from me!
Philippians 4:13-I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!
Philippians 4:13-I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

*Hugs tightly* Yeah,we can still chat,but for short times everyday,you can feel better! @BlueTheQuizWhiz97
on April 15, 2021

*Hugs U* I am not leaving fully,I can still talk,just not alot,I will be fine Blue! @BlueTheQuizWhiz97
on April 15, 2021

I'll miss you zeker! Your a great friend and i hope we can still talk every once in awhile ^w^
on April 15, 2021
on April 15, 2021

Damien and Hyun listen up!
I was never intending anything mean to anyone of you. Hyun like you said you wanted to be my friend but I was just too pushy and impatient with you! Damien for you I was keeping cool trying to be friends after all types of drama,but like YOU said you and Hyun do not accept help easily. I wanted to be a good friend to both of you,and either drama or you just not wanting help has prevented me from doing this. So please,take this apology seriously and forgive See More me for what I have caused to both of you! @MysteriousHyun and @southparkestellaismywife420
I was never intending anything mean to anyone of you. Hyun like you said you wanted to be my friend but I was just too pushy and impatient with you! Damien for you I was keeping cool trying to be friends after all types of drama,but like YOU said you and Hyun do not accept help easily. I wanted to be a good friend to both of you,and either drama or you just not wanting help has prevented me from doing this. So please,take this apology seriously and forgive See More me for what I have caused to both of you! @MysteriousHyun and @southparkestellaismywife420

Ok, I will give you some space. I don't want to bug you or anything.
Whenever your ready just talk to me ^w^
Whenever your ready just talk to me ^w^
on April 15, 2021

*Hugs U* Thx Blue,you are a good friend,but I do not get mad this badly,just need some time!
on April 15, 2021

ok, I understand.
Just wanted to let you know your an amazing person and that you didn't do anything wrong (as far as I can tell)
Just wanted to let you know your an amazing person and that you didn't do anything wrong (as far as I can tell)
on April 15, 2021

@BlueTheQuizWhiz97 I do not want to unfriend you but I was just saying this for Damien and Hyun for any apologies!
on April 15, 2021

I hope we can still be friends. I don't like having lies come between us.
But if you want to go that's fine...
But if you want to go that's fine...
on April 15, 2021
on April 15, 2021

Anyone on so I can chat? Try to make me feel better please,I need it!

on April 14, 2021
on April 14, 2021

I am bored so anyone like Damien,Hyun,Kiara or Blue,you can message me right here right now and we can just talk about random shit!
on April 14, 2021

You know what,let me do this as well,first one to comment chooses my pfp!
on April 13, 2021

I need someone to talk to right now,message me here,and no Axel I cannot pm yet!
on April 13, 2021

i finally finished it QwQ
i finally finished it QwQ
Ew my life - playlist by freaking demon | Spotify
freaking demon · Playlist · 15 songs · 0 likes
on April 13, 2021

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Comment if you think this is true!
Comment if you think this is true!

honestly don't see you being "wild" unless you're really pissed and kill someone or sum-
(no offense lol)
(no offense lol)
on April 12, 2021

Idk if you want to see my wild side,and not what you think it is! @Kiarafox21 @caligulasAquarium0 UwU!
on April 12, 2021
on April 12, 2021

If anyone wants to talk to me,message me here cause I am bored as hell!
on April 12, 2021

Guys help me out,I am worried about @HappySkittles since she has not been on since this morning,help me get through this!

*deep voice* Make a zoom call for me and you so we can message each other for Among Us,said I was gonna make it up to you Darling! @Kiarafox21
on April 10, 2021
on April 10, 2021

I have officially been on Qfeast for a month,this day is crazy!I need everyone´s opinion on this!

*Corpse laugh,deep voice* Okay then,make the zoom so we can have our impressions! @Kiarafox21
on April 10, 2021
on April 10, 2021

Whoever is online,if you need someone to talk to,message me here!
on April 08, 2021
@caligulasAquarium0 Better next time I am online!