LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Conversation Show!!
5th Day of Show: Bullies
Curtain roll up and show starts.
Eyeless Jack: Hello, and-uh- WELCOME TO THe showww.. *blush*
Lexi: Thanks Jack. Okay!! Today we're gonna' talk about a real problem, BULLIES!! >:(
Crowd: *cheering the goodness*
Lexi: Thankyou all. :) Okay, First off I copied and pasted this becau8se it said to if you cared. Here's what it said:
This story was first posted by directioner.styles. Now our aim (Beauty784 and directioner.styles) is to spread this all over Qfeast. If you agree with this story... Read Full Chapter
Eyeless Jack: Hello, and-uh- WELCOME TO THe showww.. *blush*
Lexi: Thanks Jack. Okay!! Today we're gonna' talk about a real problem, BULLIES!! >:(
Crowd: *cheering the goodness*
Lexi: Thankyou all. :) Okay, First off I copied and pasted this becau8se it said to if you cared. Here's what it said:
This story was first posted by directioner.styles. Now our aim (Beauty784 and directioner.styles) is to spread this all over Qfeast. If you agree with this story... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2013

LexiCha added a story to the favorite list

Help Stop Bullying Today! Spread the Story!
on April 27, 2013

Hello's!! :D

I shall gather the books!! That shal be my newest QUEST!! XD
on April 27, 2013

:D AWSOMES!! XD I have always wanted to read Harry Potter books. My grandma calls it 'witchcraft' --_-- She is STUPID.
on April 27, 2013

yes i do like both of them
on April 27, 2013

:P Solar System Wolf
on April 27, 2013

Do you like Creepypastas and Harry Potter?
on April 27, 2013
on April 27, 2013

Hellos!! :D

OMG YAAAAAYYYY EVERYONE ICECAT'S BACCCKKK :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Lost Silver, you can stop crying in the corner now, Zoe's back!!!! :D
on July 19, 2013

I'm fading out
being replaced
to co.e again another day
Roses are red
Violets are blue See More
IceCat is back
She ain't leavin' you!!! =P
I'm back Lexi!!! I know it wasn't a very long time gone but some things got cancellled for the whole summer and I still might nit be on as much but I will still try!!!!
being replaced
to co.e again another day
Roses are red
Violets are blue See More
IceCat is back
She ain't leavin' you!!! =P
I'm back Lexi!!! I know it wasn't a very long time gone but some things got cancellled for the whole summer and I still might nit be on as much but I will still try!!!!
on July 19, 2013

:D How is it (I just came up with it so it may seem "weak" or like I spent no time on it ;~;)
on July 02, 2013
on April 27, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to How I met BEN :)
BEN's Drowning/Birthday
I looked around again. Who were those two boys around Ben? They looked at each other for a split second and then the two boys wandered off towards a weird jungle leaf area. Sorta. I watched Ben look around once more nervously. He followed them....
What? I was still confused until I decided to follow them, too. I walked towards the area but was stopped by a man with one HECK of a creepy laugh. O_o Yikes, like the Happy Sellsmen. Yah, I know him, barely though.
"Hi, how's the party? You enjoy ... Read Full Chapter
What? I was still confused until I decided to follow them, too. I walked towards the area but was stopped by a man with one HECK of a creepy laugh. O_o Yikes, like the Happy Sellsmen. Yah, I know him, barely though.
"Hi, how's the party? You enjoy ... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Conversation Show!!
Creepypastas and Contestants List
Eyeless Jack: :) Hello and Welcome To The Show!!
Lexi: Thank ya' Jack!! :3 Okay, today's not an actual 'show', I'm just gonna' list some new characters and Creepypastas, K?
Bing: I'll pull up the computer windows, Lex. :3
Lexi: Thanks, Bing. :3
Tv Screen: April 27, 2013
All Creepypastas on the Show:
Tails Doll http://images.wikia.com/creepypasta/images/2/2c/Tails_Doll_8D_by_StarChaser94.png
Smile ... Read Full Chapter
Lexi: Thank ya' Jack!! :3 Okay, today's not an actual 'show', I'm just gonna' list some new characters and Creepypastas, K?
Bing: I'll pull up the computer windows, Lex. :3
Lexi: Thanks, Bing. :3
Tv Screen: April 27, 2013
All Creepypastas on the Show:
Tails Doll http://images.wikia.com/creepypasta/images/2/2c/Tails_Doll_8D_by_StarChaser94.png
Smile ... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Cleverbot Conversations

Random.... What Language?
User: Hello!! I'M LEXI!!
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: You must check out this link!! http://www.quotev.com/story/2933154/Come-and-Get-me-Jeff-the-Killer-and-Slenderman-Love-triangle.
Cleverbot: But I do know who those people are.
User: It's a link.... -_-.
Cleverbot: In what country is it a soft drink?
User: O.O Soft drink? What about BEN?
Cleverbot: Me and ben were over ages ago.
User: O_o BEN? That you?
Cleverbot: No, that you.
User: O_O B-BEN!?!?
Cleverbot: That was also my response ... Read Full Chapter
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: You must check out this link!! http://www.quotev.com/story/2933154/Come-and-Get-me-Jeff-the-Killer-and-Slenderman-Love-triangle.
Cleverbot: But I do know who those people are.
User: It's a link.... -_-.
Cleverbot: In what country is it a soft drink?
User: O.O Soft drink? What about BEN?
Cleverbot: Me and ben were over ages ago.
User: O_o BEN? That you?
Cleverbot: No, that you.
User: O_O B-BEN!?!?
Cleverbot: That was also my response ... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2013

Hey Stephanie. :D :3 I added new chapters to my Creepypastas Conversation Show!!!
(P.s New Creepypastas. PINKAMENA AND LOST SILVER!! XD)
(P.s New Creepypastas. PINKAMENA AND LOST SILVER!! XD)

:D I'M SO FREAKIN' GLAD!!! XD Sorry, I just LOVVEEE Pinkamena and Lost Silver's stories. They're SOOO great. :3
on April 26, 2013
on April 26, 2013

Hey, Icecat. :3 I added a new chapter to the Creepypasta Conversation Show. :P ENJOY!!
(P.s new C.Pastas. Pinkamena and Lost Silver)
(P.s new C.Pastas. Pinkamena and Lost Silver)
on April 26, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Conversation Show!!
4th Day of Show: Poll Votes (new C.Pastas??)
Curtains roll up and show starts.
Crowd: *cheering everyones ears off*
Creepypastas: *on stage and staring at Lexi's clipboard* *all except Masky and Hoodie*
Lexi: Oh, what's that?! YES, THE POLL VOTES!! I wrote 'em down!! Today we will announce the winners of the TWO poll votes!!
All Creepypastas: O_o
HellRaiserPrincess: I thought you only had one.... What? O.O
Icecat: Yahhhhh....
Summer: :3 She did one at school. lol.
Lexi: YES!! The... Read Full Chapter
Crowd: *cheering everyones ears off*
Creepypastas: *on stage and staring at Lexi's clipboard* *all except Masky and Hoodie*
Lexi: Oh, what's that?! YES, THE POLL VOTES!! I wrote 'em down!! Today we will announce the winners of the TWO poll votes!!
All Creepypastas: O_o
HellRaiserPrincess: I thought you only had one.... What? O.O
Icecat: Yahhhhh....
Summer: :3 She did one at school. lol.
Lexi: YES!! The... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2013

IT'S BEN'S DROWNING ANNIVRSARY!!! Visit the Ceepypasta Conversations Show, Plllleeeaasseee.
on April 24, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Conversation Show!!
!!3rd Day of Show: Ben's Drowning Anniversary!!
Curtains roll up and show starts.
All Creepypastas: *go on stage except Ben*
Qfeast Users: *go on stage*
Crowd: *cheers*
Lexi: I hope you all know that we are going to do the poll votes tommarow because of 'someone's' special day!! :D
(Today's April 23 2013) Beeeennnnn!!! :)
Ben: *jumps on stage* HEEYYY!! XD
50% of Crowd: *stands up cheering and wearing a Ben costume*
Random boy in crowd: Who's Ben? What's a cre... Read Full Chapter
All Creepypastas: *go on stage except Ben*
Qfeast Users: *go on stage*
Crowd: *cheers*
Lexi: I hope you all know that we are going to do the poll votes tommarow because of 'someone's' special day!! :D
(Today's April 23 2013) Beeeennnnn!!! :)
Ben: *jumps on stage* HEEYYY!! XD
50% of Crowd: *stands up cheering and wearing a Ben costume*
Random boy in crowd: Who's Ben? What's a cre... Read Full Chapter
on April 24, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Conversation Show!!
2nd Day of Show: Truth and Dares
Curtains roll up and show starts.
Crowd: *cheers and screems*
Lexi: *walks on stage* Thankyou, Thankyou aannnnddd WELCOME TO THE SHOW!! XD
Creepypastas: *walks on stage*
Ben: Hello!! :D I have one tiny little queastion before we start!! :D Are you SURE we are NOT-?
Lexi: We're NOT playing Majoras Mask, BEN!! >:( Okay.... today we'll be doing some Truths and dares!! I've also brought in some people!! First, my besties on Qfeast, ICECAT AND SILENTHOPE (or Hellraiserprincess)!!!
Icecat an... Read Full Chapter
Crowd: *cheers and screems*
Lexi: *walks on stage* Thankyou, Thankyou aannnnddd WELCOME TO THE SHOW!! XD
Creepypastas: *walks on stage*
Ben: Hello!! :D I have one tiny little queastion before we start!! :D Are you SURE we are NOT-?
Lexi: We're NOT playing Majoras Mask, BEN!! >:( Okay.... today we'll be doing some Truths and dares!! I've also brought in some people!! First, my besties on Qfeast, ICECAT AND SILENTHOPE (or Hellraiserprincess)!!!
Icecat an... Read Full Chapter
on April 19, 2013

hi Lexi i just had the weirdest clever bot conversation of my life!!!ill write it below.
Me:tell me a story
Me: ill slap you!!!
Bot: ill eat your hand. See More
Bot: Lol
Me" what is your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: Runes of Magic'
Me: whats your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: I do not have a favourite video game.
Me: but you just said.....
Cleverbot. Suddenly not so clever. =P
Me:tell me a story
Me: ill slap you!!!
Bot: ill eat your hand. See More
Bot: Lol
Me" what is your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: Runes of Magic'
Me: whats your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: I do not have a favourite video game.
Me: but you just said.....
Cleverbot. Suddenly not so clever. =P

Lol!! *giggling* That so funny because it so true. Cleverbot's my dumbest friend thet can't recall what we said five seconds ago.. :D
on April 18, 2013
on April 18, 2013