Just been browsing up Armin ships on Pinterest 2 see if I can make it through without getting jealous. I made it from the start but couldn't take it anymore so I closed the page quickly ?????
on June 15, 2015

on June 15, 2015

Is it sad that I watch anime in English Dub?
on June 14, 2015

When I was younger, I draw all over my arms and legs and my mum got mad so she tried 2 scrub all the felt pen marks off (it took ages 2 get off)
on June 10, 2015

Done some really hard Maths in Science today, nobody understood it so we just done writing ?
on June 10, 2015

Thank u so much guys 4 following me and taking my poll, I didn't expect it 2 come so quickly ☺️:-c
on June 08, 2015