You have been TAGGED!
Answers to "Tag Game!"
So recently Twilight__Sparkle created a "Tag Game" story (check it out if you haven't already) and i was tagged! I feel so honored!!! Anyway ENJOY!
mrrow sorry
on March 31, 2014
And I was tagged again... DARN IT!!!
on March 30, 2014
on March 30, 2014
You have been TAGGED!
Answers to "Tag Game!"
So recently Twilight__Sparkle created a "Tag Game" story (check it out if you haven't already) and i was tagged! I feel so honored!!! Anyway ENJOY!
on March 30, 2014
You have been TAGGED!
Answers to "Tag Game!"
So recently Twilight__Sparkle created a "Tag Game" story (check it out if you haven't already) and i was tagged! I feel so honored!!! Anyway ENJOY!
on April 08, 2014
on April 08, 2014
on April 07, 2014
on April 06, 2014
on March 31, 2014
on March 30, 2014
Kisume created a story
Answers to "Tag Game!"
on March 30, 2014
If you could Apple a beef would you jiggy with a goat?
on March 24, 2014
on March 21, 2014
on March 19, 2014
on March 19, 2014
on March 19, 2014
on March 19, 2014
on March 31, 2014
on March 28, 2014
on March 14, 2014
on March 14, 2014
on March 13, 2014
on March 12, 2014
happy 8th of march to all girls/women here on qfeast!!!
you know, this isnt random. 8th of march is the russian "mothers day" the holiday is literally called "8th of march"
on March 09, 2014
on March 09, 2014
on March 09, 2014
awwww i was just reading recent comments... im sorry your mom died. you probably have no want to answer thus, and you dont have to, but how long ago?
on April 12, 2014
on April 12, 2014
on March 08, 2014
It took me by surprise by Maria Mena!!! also "only teardrops" by emille de forrest
on March 10, 2014
on March 08, 2014
I had to make sure I was following you. That's why I am now here. :D
on February 28, 2014
on February 28, 2014
on February 28, 2014
How fast can you guess these words?
1. BOO_S
2. _ _ NDOM
3. F_ _ K
4. P_N_S
5. PU_S_
6. S_X See More
Answers: 1. Books 2. Random 3. Fork 4. Pants 5. Pulse 6. Six
You got all 6 wrong didn't you? You dirty minded freak!
1. BOO_S
2. _ _ NDOM
3. F_ _ K
4. P_N_S
5. PU_S_
6. S_X See More
Answers: 1. Books 2. Random 3. Fork 4. Pants 5. Pulse 6. Six
You got all 6 wrong didn't you? You dirty minded freak!
I see how you made them look dirty. The only one I got was _ _ NDOM which I got RANDOM. I saw the last one as dirty...
on February 28, 2014
on February 27, 2014
on February 27, 2014
on February 27, 2014
on February 27, 2014
on February 25, 2014
We're friends. You laugh, i laugh. You cry i cry. You jump of a bridge, i get in my boat and save your retarded ass.
LOL so true. Love you Akky!
LOL so true. Love you Akky!
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
on February 28, 2014
on February 25, 2014
You breathe oxygen?! We have so much in common!!!
on March 14, 2014
on February 21, 2014
I love how in scary movies the person yells out "Hello?" as if the killers gonna be like "Ya im in the kitchen. Want a sandwich?"
Your'e supposed to be a silent ninja with a frying pan in your hands. Why don't people learn?
on April 02, 2014
on February 21, 2014
on February 21, 2014
on February 21, 2014
Whenever someone touches my phone, i automatically turn into a ninja
on April 02, 2014
on March 26, 2014
i have friends like #urmi #jhelam #whycan'tistopputtinghashtagseverywhere #idon'tevenlikehashtags #aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
on March 26, 2014
on February 21, 2014
WHO THE HELL TOOK MY, oh... here it is...
on March 06, 2014
on March 06, 2014
on March 03, 2014
on February 21, 2014
on February 21, 2014
on February 19, 2014
on February 19, 2014