Ke Grimm
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Comments (8)

What's it say?

The dude followed me to PM "F#ck you" to me to only block me before I could reply. My reply at the bottom says "Sorry, I don't f#ck dumbasses." There is a lot more to why he did this though. I just thought I'd share this with everyone.

@Parabolic Yeah. Seems like the other pic got removed from the group I put it in.
on October 03, 2015

I see
on October 03, 2015
on October 03, 2015
on October 03, 2015

owo i think you may of mistyped the caption cause it says this gay? owo idk XD

on October 03, 2015
on October 03, 2015

on October 03, 2015