on November 14, 2015

Still waiting to tell my dad to have a good time out of state. He slept in and is now taking forever to get things together to leave. Worst part is he told me when to wake up so I could see him off, and it's been over 2 hours since I woke up.
on November 14, 2015

Night everyone.*hug* Sleep well.:3 I am passing out so I need sleep. Also, my dad is leaving for a week and I want to tell him bye before he leaves.
on November 14, 2015

Alright, so my head kinda hurts so I'm gonna turn in for the night. Night everyone.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 13, 2015

Sorry I haven't been online as often everyone. Been kinda busy with my personal life and a few online things that don't involve the internet. I'll try to be online more often, but please bare with me until then.
Anyway, I worked really hard at work today so I'm going to bed early tonight. Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3
Anyway, I worked really hard at work today so I'm going to bed early tonight. Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 12, 2015

Got a long day at work tomorrow so I'm going to bed. Night everyone.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 11, 2015

Gotta stop staying up so damn late. lol Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 10, 2015

Just found out that a puppy my dad was taking care of died not too long ago. I went into his room to get his dirty close and the puppy looked like it was sleeping with it's mouth open. I went over to him and moved what he was laying in some to see him move. He never moved. Little guy was sick. I guess whatever he was sick with got him.
on November 09, 2015

Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3 I'm going to bed cause I can't keep my stupid eyes open. lol
on November 09, 2015

I have said this before, but I will say it again. I'm an addict to Elska Ruth. lol
on November 09, 2015

I was off the site for most of the day. Going to bed now though. Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 08, 2015

Passing out at the computer, so it's bed time. lol Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 06, 2015

I done did it again. lol Night everyone.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 05, 2015

So, I didn't get a good rest last night, probs cause I turned on the heat too soon for where I live. That means I am really tired and should head to bed. I also have work in the morning so it's best I go. lol I will say now though, I am glad Elska got a DA. lmaoXD Night everyone.*hug* Sleep well.:3
on November 04, 2015

TODAY SKY READS THROUGH MEAN COMMENTS GATHERED BY ROSS AND SHELBY! WHILE ROSS HOLDS THE CAMERA! Follow me on these things! http://zergid.com/Sky http://insta...
on November 04, 2015

Night guys.*hug* Sleep well.:3 I have to go before I pee my pants. lol
on November 03, 2015

10 Internet Trolls Who Were Shockingly Exposed
From cowardly racial slurs to baseless accusations of molestation, we count ten internet trolls who crossed the line and were exposed for it! Facebook: https...
on November 03, 2015