I guess that's what I'm doing this hour instead of English. Huh.

Ughhhhh. Can I join you? Please?
on February 13, 2018

Lucky. I don't have any classes that count as study hall anymore...
on February 13, 2018
on February 13, 2018

Oh yeah...I forgot that I wanted to talk to the counselor...the emotional school counselor, that is. Not the ones that control our schedules.
on February 13, 2018

Happy Mardi Gras!

Mm! Though, I'm not entirely certain it's today...but we're celebrating it in my French class today, and it IS Tuesday, so I think it's pretty likely.
on February 13, 2018
on February 13, 2018

I'd left my flute in the drama room and not my algebra classroom as I thought. Yikes.
on February 13, 2018

The first Battle Royal scene is pure gold, from shirtless Kukui, to dorkishly oblivious Hau, to the eternally-angsting Gladion who doesn't at all want to be there. Gold.
on February 09, 2018

Seeing Nanu smiling is great.

I love Nanu!He is one of my favorites from pokemon sun and moon.Do you have Ultra?
on February 09, 2018
on February 09, 2018

We may be getting new computers next year. Yay.

Oh no!I meant they bought theirs,and mine at best buy.Sorry for confusion.Apparently it was super effective.(pokemon joke XD)
on February 09, 2018

on February 09, 2018
on February 09, 2018

There was a car crash near my friend Sarah's house yesterday...three students from our school were in a car that wrapped around a tree at 70mph...two of them are in critical condition. One of them has to have part of his skull removed, he's in a medically induced coma, and he has less than twenty percent of a chance of surviving...

Do you need comfort?I mean I could talk to you want.Even though,I'm doing that right now.Did you know the kids?
on February 08, 2018
on February 08, 2018

Guzma probably doesn't like Artemis much, and so most of Team Skull dislikes her, too. Except, of course, Gladion, because he's just a softy.
on February 07, 2018

Do people not realize that I can feel when they bump up against my backpack?
on February 07, 2018

I want to upload pictures of Artemis' style, since i have a certain way I dress her in the game, but...it doesn't work like that. Ahh.
on February 07, 2018

And the RotomDex speaking for her when she actually needs to talk to someone. Ahhhh.
on February 07, 2018

I think Artemis is going to be my first mute Pokémon character. Of all the relationships over the games, I think her being mute would be best considering she's with Gladion.
And, honestly, the thought of her Pokémon knowing and trusting her so well they can predict what she wants them to do in battle is absolutely adorable.
And, honestly, the thought of her Pokémon knowing and trusting her so well they can predict what she wants them to do in battle is absolutely adorable.
on February 07, 2018

This is adorable, and basically how I envision Gladion/Artemis.
Gladion Refresh - RoSH (RoSH95) - Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon | Pokemon Sun & Moon Versions [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the
Organization for Transformative Works
on February 07, 2018

Gladion's in-game model is a fair amount taller than the player character's, who is eleven, so I think Gladion is a few years older. Maybe fourteen?

on February 07, 2018

True. I dunno, though. He's supposed to be older than Lillie, right? And she seems to be the same age as the protagonist.
on February 07, 2018
on February 07, 2018