Mum-chan has turned Sapphire into a perpetually angry college student who relies on Maxie and Archie to feed her and considers Steven the only good rock out there.
Me like.
Me like.
on March 01, 2018

(Taken from a Tumblr post)
Why the Battle Royal Dome scene is gold:
-Kukui, shirt off, in a wrestling mask, saying "yeah" or "woo" every word to make it completely obvious that it is him
-Hau, who has no idea it's Professor Kukui
-Me, who knew it was Professor Kukui from the moment he appeared
-Gladion, Alola's most miserable boy, forced to join in
-Kiawe showing up to proclaim how I was "on fire" after I lost instantly See More
Why the Battle Royal Dome scene is gold:
-Kukui, shirt off, in a wrestling mask, saying "yeah" or "woo" every word to make it completely obvious that it is him
-Hau, who has no idea it's Professor Kukui
-Me, who knew it was Professor Kukui from the moment he appeared
-Gladion, Alola's most miserable boy, forced to join in
-Kiawe showing up to proclaim how I was "on fire" after I lost instantly See More
on February 28, 2018

Artemis has now joined Team Magma because of...bagel bites.
This kid.
My god.
This kid.
My god.
on February 28, 2018

Gladion is probably pretty good at Team Skull-style dancing by now...
Wouldn't it be funny if there was a dancing contest in Po Town, and he disguises himself because he's embarrassed, and ends up as the finalist against Artemis (who really has no reason to be good at this but is anyway)?
Wouldn't it be funny if there was a dancing contest in Po Town, and he disguises himself because he's embarrassed, and ends up as the finalist against Artemis (who really has no reason to be good at this but is anyway)?
on February 27, 2018

I found a really good Gladion voice acting video last week, and the creator is letting me use their work for a little fanfic! Ahhhh!

I know!!! I'm just not sure where or how many websites I should post it on...I have a few. They want to read it when it's done, so I don't want them to end up finding it in more than one place and getting confused...
on February 26, 2018
on February 26, 2018

I hate when people subscribe to a page and then never use it. Like...why did you subscribe if you're not actually interested?
on February 26, 2018

I'm going to murder the drum line.
You can't just.
March into my lunch and.
Do cadences.
You can't just.
March into my lunch and.
Do cadences.
on February 23, 2018

on February 23, 2018

What a rude person. I wish I hadn't been following them.

I've reported them already. Honestly, if they can't just state their opinion and move on with their life, they're not going to make it very far in the world.
on February 20, 2018

A person on an abortion question was calling people retarded for being against the topic and such. Ridiculous.
on February 20, 2018
on February 20, 2018

I don't have school today or tomorrow. I wonder if I can go to the library...

Nice! I think what happened was that since a certain amount of students were getting sick, they had to deep-clean the school or something like that. But, I'm not complaining, because I'm at that part of the month where I really just don't want to go anywhere.
on February 19, 2018
on February 19, 2018

If anyone is wondering why I've been silent the last couple of days, it's because I'm reeling over a death. One of the boys who was in the terrible car accident last week, the one who was going to have surgery for his brain damage, wasn't showing any signs of brain activity, so his parents decided to take him off life support. I didn't know him, but it's...it's still terrifying that something like this could happen to someone from /my school/. I think I'll be okay, it might just See More be a while before I return to being as active as usual. I'm sorry, everyone.

on February 16, 2018
on February 16, 2018

I made some hot cocoa last night for a presentation today and I'm surprised how good it is.
on February 14, 2018