An Epic Power Ballad - Ft. NateWantsToBattle
It's... It's not like I wanted you to hear it, BAKA!! THE BAKA RAP Rapper - NateWantsToBattle (https://www.youtube.com/user/NateWantsToBattle) Vocalist/Produ...
on February 18, 2017

I wanna RP from the time when Kid, Izzie, and Violet are in Noah's captivity all through the next few years and watch Violat and Gopher's relationship develops--
on February 17, 2017

I ship Gopher and Violet so hard, though...
on February 17, 2017


on February 17, 2017

I'm looking for Gopher x Reader stories.
Only two have ever existed to my knowledge.
They were both requested by me.
Only two have ever existed to my knowledge.
They were both requested by me.
on February 17, 2017

Meh, sleep is overrated. I'm supposed to be sleeping, too, but...As you can see, I'm still awake somehow. And fanfiction? What kind you need? I have literally a library of over 400 of them.
on February 17, 2017
on February 17, 2017

Off-topic from that, but, right now the band teacher is talking about the assembly we just had, and one of the xylophones was playing quietly and she turned to them and said she didn't need the incidental music. Then I muttered "Yeah, this isn't Undertale. We aren't Papyrus. You're not Sans." AND THE GIRL NEXT TO ME WAS LIKE "YES! THAT'S A GOOD ONE!" IN WHISPERS AND I SAID "STOP PLAGUING MY LIFE WITH INCIDENTAL MUSIC!" AND IT WAS SUCH AN AWESOME MKMENT
on February 16, 2017

Hey, how are ya :)

I'm doing good too :)
Do you think you have time for an RP?
I finally thought of a way for Cascatta to realise who her new leader is XD
Just not a way for them to fall in love XD
Do you think you have time for an RP?
I finally thought of a way for Cascatta to realise who her new leader is XD
Just not a way for them to fall in love XD
on February 16, 2017
on February 16, 2017

Okay, so, I had to do a lab in Biology where we had to theorietically make babies with famous people of the opposite sex?
I drew Josh Dun, who, if you didn't know (like I didn't) is the drummer from Twenty Øne Pilots, so I had to look him up and find so many things...it was fun though.
I drew Josh Dun, who, if you didn't know (like I didn't) is the drummer from Twenty Øne Pilots, so I had to look him up and find so many things...it was fun though.
on February 16, 2017

on February 15, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
on February 14, 2017

Thirty-five minutes in and Mum-chan is STILL talking to the counsellor while I wait in the hall.
Wasn't I the one who was supposed to be counseled?
Wasn't I the one who was supposed to be counseled?
on February 11, 2017

on February 10, 2017

I've been taking practice driving tests instead of working on my essay all class.
Which would be better for me to do? The tests or the essay?
Which would be better for me to do? The tests or the essay?
on February 10, 2017

Subscribing to the post may be a good thin for you to do...
Subscribing to the post may be a good thin for you to do...
on February 09, 2017

on February 09, 2017