So I'm going away for a week and I know I'm supposed to be papryus and be all happy and jolly but if anyone tries to mess with my sister THEN I WILL DESTORY YOUR FUC KING SOUL

I feel you man but hopefully the fatigue will wear away ahah
on September 21, 2020

Tired @Davey_Miller
on September 21, 2020

Doesnt change the fact i want you to take care of yourself, *pat pat* but anyways how are you so far?
on September 21, 2020

Oh I'm not going yet i still need to wait for my grandpa to pick me up @Davey_Miller
on September 21, 2020

I know but still Ill take care of it, now you better take care of yourself while your gone *hugs* you mean too much to me
on September 21, 2020
on September 21, 2020

Just_A_Fan added a photo to the starred list
guess who's style changed again (annoying i know but- its fun)

on September 20, 2020


on September 19, 2020

on September 19, 2020
on September 19, 2020

Here's our post Phoenix

Its okay @Lil_Phoenix Take care and have a good night we'll pick up tomorrow if you'd like))
on September 18, 2020

Sam facepalms. "Ohgod so sorry," She looks to phoenix. "sorry Phoen... i can be a smidge bad at this sometimes- but uh we could give it a try" she chuckles a little bit with a small nervous smile.
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020

Sam laughs softly. "I thought you would know where to go- and now i see you didn't know where to go..." Sam shrugs a little bit. "we could go back the way we came if we remember correctly..."
on September 18, 2020
on September 17, 2020

Would anyone would like to role play with me?

on September 17, 2020
on September 17, 2020

on September 17, 2020

I keep getting banned for a few hours for no reason...
Edit:and without warning
Edit:and without warning
on September 16, 2020